Hepatitis C Main Forums > I Just Tested Positive for Hepatitis C

Recently diagnosed and hoping for treatment

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Hi everyone. I'm new to this diagnosis, and have done some research on the treatment manyret my doctors have prescribed. Hoping the insurances cover this. I have done two of the three vaccinations for Hep A and B...the third is due in August. My question around this is will they start Hep C treatment before the full vaccine run? Also I have an ultrasound on Monday to see the extent of liver scarring. Blood liver panels show I am at F3. I believe I contracted the Hep C in either the early 70's, or in 1983. Both times I had blood transfusions. It is also possible I contracted it in 1990 from a tattoo. But new needles were used. Don't know about the ink though. I am happy to find this supportive forum. I'm really scared and have high anxiety, especially thinking that I've walked around all these years oblivious to my condition.

Congratulations on your adventure towards freedom from hep C! No problem with getting the vaccine (or any vaccine) while on treatment.

One thing that is important for you to know is that because you have F3, there is a chance that you are at risk of liver cancer even if your hep C is cured. It is very important that you keep your follow-up appointments to see if your liver heals itself or stays at F3. Here is a link to read after you are done with treatment: https://www.hepmag.com/basics/hepatitis-c-basics/life-hepatitis-c-treatment

For now, focus on treatment and know that we are here.

Thanks Iporterrn

Lynn K:
Hi and welcome

I probably was infected in 1978 but had no idea until 1990.

I was diagnosed as F3 in 2003 fibrosis and F4 cirrhosis in 2008 both diagnosis were using liver biopsy.

It’s more likely you got hep c from the blood transfusion as there was no antibody testing available for hep c until 1990 so the risk was having a blood transfusion before hep c antibody testing became available.

Best of luck on treatment

Nina Mae:

I usually don't post on someone else's thread because I, too, am relatively new with all this.

I was dx'ed in Nov with HCV and cirrhosis.  I didn't find out until I met my Hep C nurse exactly how advanced my cirrhosis is (F4).  Without going into my story and sabotaging your thread, I just wanted to say that I totally understand how you feel about walking around for so many years, contaminated, asymptomatic, and then BOOM...here we are, 30+ years later finding out that you have an advanced disease that you didn't even know you had to begin with.

So creepy.  I'm taking Epclusa and Ribavirin and I started tx on Mar 1.

We are so fortunate to have all these compassionate, smart, warriors on this forum who in all their sincerity are so helpful.  I'm just sorry we all have to go through this.  I'm 66 yo, a cancer survivor, trying to live out my 'rusty years' with my beloved spouse  and then this. 

We will beat this.  I'm on Day 39 of 84 so I'm just about halfway through!  It's a tough road, but you'll be okay.  I was so scared too but the most important thing I can advise is to drink tons and tons of water.  And do exactly what they tell you to do.  And visit the forum and vent your feelings...these people are so compassionate.  I usually lay low and read others' posts that may be applicable.  You'd be surprised at how much you learn on your own on here. 

You'll do great...distract yourself with whatever you like to keep your head clear even for a few minutes w/o having HCV and cirrhosis and tx's and tests and complications, taking up head space. 

Best wishes, stay smart, chin up (always)!   ;)


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