Hepatitis Forums

Hepatitis C Main Forums => On Hepatitis C Treatment => Topic started by: HopingPraying on September 24, 2016, 01:54:27 am

Title: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: HopingPraying on September 24, 2016, 01:54:27 am
Hello everyone! I am brand new here. I was diagnosed with hcv 1a in 2011. My viral load is pretty low, in the thousands. I know that I was definitely infected roughly 14 years ago while having to (against my wishes) live with and share a bathroom with a very malicious relative whom admitted to using my razors behind my back, after also admitting that she knew she had hep c for years and just never bothered to say anything.

I turned down pursuing treatment the year that I was diagnosed, and waited for the new drugs to come out. I just started Harvoni tonight, and I have a few concerns that I want to just get off of my chest, that are SO out there, but they might really make you think.... I want to ask my doctor but I am so worried that they are going to think I have lost it! :(

I have a tremendously detailed thought process, and I analyze EVERYTHING. It is driving me bonkers wondering about things like shaving.. Using the same razor over and over- say, I nick myself and blood gets trapped between the blades.. Then when I use it again another day, aren't I just "re-introducing" more of the virus back into my body to take over? The same concerns fill my mind about things like nail clippers, shoes that rubbed the backs of my heels raw in the past, toothbrushes... I know, it sounds ridiculous, right? But I feel so concerned about something interfering with my success, that I am taking steps to avoid my worries. Disposable razors, new shoes, multiple toothbrushes. It sucks, but I don't know how all of this treatment works.. I only know that I have waited so, so long to get to this point, and fought so hard to get treatment. Now I am praying for success.

I developed pretty severe OCD within a year of my diagnosis, and that may be where those kinds of concerns actually stem from.. My whole life has become a fight and an obsession to keep people around me safe from contracting this monster. Everytime I get a cut or a scratch, the panic/anxiety that I experience is soul-crushing, and the time taken to clean up and ensure that there is no blood left behind, is outrageous. It has affected my life to such an extent that getting approved for treatment ASAP became an absolute must for my emotional/mental health and my quality of life. I am very fortunate that it has worked out for me thus far. I need to finally be able to put this behind me, and I hope and pray that I will be able to. Am I the only one that thinks about "what-if's" like this, though??

I wish everyone luck on beating this monster once and for all- We all deserve our peace of mind and quality of life back!!!

Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: lporterrn on September 24, 2016, 03:28:40 pm
Although experts say there is no risk, many patients think about these things. One thing you can do is soak your razor for a minute in 1 part bleach to 10 parts water (more bleach won't make it more effective) - then let air dry. Stop when you are nondetectable, which should be around 4 to 8 weeks.

I think it best to comfort the OCD thoughts, since that is that part that causes us to lie awake at night - better safe than sorry.
Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: HopingPraying on September 24, 2016, 04:26:55 pm
Although experts say there is no risk, many patients think about these things. One thing you can do is soak your razor for a minute in 1 part bleach to 10 parts water (more bleach won't make it more effective) - then let air dry. Stop when you are nondetectable, which should be around 4 to 8 weeks.

I think it best to comfort the OCD thoughts, since that is that part that causes us to lie awake at night - better safe than sorry.

Thank you for your response! It is such a relief to know that I am not alone in these thoughts! I will definitely be doing the bleach/water mixture so that I can at least sleep better without a mind full of what-if's nagging at me! I really appreciate your reply!
Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: LightBeingAtLast on September 25, 2016, 12:16:37 pm
You are certainly not alone with your concerns about protecting those around you.  When I was first diagnosed I felt like I had to make a proclamation to all those I came in contact with that I had HepC...don't touch me if I'm bleeding without gloves.  Never use my comb, hairbrush, toothbrush, razor.  I gave birth to 2 children, have been married to my wonderful husband for 37 years. I had been living with this for 25 years before I found out.  I shared so much with my husband and children.  Did I give it to them????  After testing we found out that I did NOT give it to them.

Shortly after I was diagnosed a non profit in our area chose to create a community awareness program for HepC.  I contacted them and became a trainer.  I went and got accredited at a Train the Trainer course and shared my knowledge with community groups, individuals and at assemblies at our local schools.

Perhaps something like this is available in your area.  Knowledge is power...so much power!

Primarily it is a blood to blood transmission.  So sharing needles, toothbrushes, razors is definitely out.  I was worried about sexual transmission with my husband but since we are both healthy adults it hasn't been a problem.  I'm not so familiar with the HepB but I'm sure there is a wealth of info out there.  Educate yourself.
Knowledge is power.

I am a huge proponent of yoga and meditation.  Not club yoga, yoga as a personal, intimate practice.  Meditation will change your life and can help calm your fears if you stick with it.  It is difficult at first since our human "monkey brains" just want to keep chattering as long as we will listen.  There are some terrific free guided meditations online that take as little as 5 minutes.  I guarantee if you practice it everyday it will offer a reprieve from your OCD behavior.  It might not last longer than the time you are sitting for your meditation at first but it will increase.  The seat of your soul/being/whatever your belief, is where you can sit back and neutrally observe what is happening in your life.  You can find this place through meditation.
Good luck...hang in there!
Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: Lilly White on September 25, 2016, 10:13:00 pm
I too had both of my kids tested. Really relived to find out that I didn't give them hepc. Just found out I had it this summer. I'm 10 days into my treatment with harvoni. I've been going strong many long days and lots of stress. Husband just fired a ranch hand which was upsetting and we fear for our safety.  We meditate with a group so are familiar with being the watcher. Thank you for the reminder light.
Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: Mw2324 on September 26, 2016, 07:09:06 pm
    I also think about these things, you are not alone. I am on day 17 of epclusa. Call me crazy but I bought 7 toothbrushes, new pillowcases, new underwear, new towels and washcloths, along with 5 packs of disposal razors that I throw out after every use. I am paranoid about anything that may have had blood on it at one point. I know it's a little over board but it makes me feel better. It's normal to worry about these things. Good luck to you!
Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: andrew j on September 27, 2016, 07:19:45 pm
HP (and others),

I just recently cleared.
I have certainly been as anxious and fastidious about cleanliness as you [guys] seem to be.
As Lucinda says, it is best just to go with that, because in some way you are attending to, and thus respecting yourself - and respecting others / life.

I used to shave every 3 days - and gave my razor(s) a good soak - usually in bleach, but sometimes in disinfectant.

I didn't even think about my tooth-brush until I got one of those horror jolts (you will know what I'm talking about!) and gave it a bit of a sluice a couple of times!

I think that there is much more tolerance in these treatment regimens than we realise - esp. in 12 week-plus regimens.

I am noticing that anxiety in general - and specifically, anxiety around cleanliness etc. is slowly dissipating ...
Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: brie41 on September 28, 2016, 03:50:40 pm

  Well I had to respond to this topic that I understand so well.  I was a bit overboard while treating.  I sterilized my nail clippers, combs, etc.  I was on 8 weeks of Harvoni and bought 8 toothbrushes to change every week.  Disposable razors too.  I am far more relaxed now if I get a cut.  Still cover it asap but I don't panic.  I just had to do everything in my power to give myself the best chance possible at clearing.  So best of luck to all who are still on your treatments.  Brie
Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: Uncle Pizza on October 10, 2016, 01:28:17 pm
I had not thought about reinfecting myself until the Cigna nurse brought it up during our first call (Cigna has a nurse call me once a month).  Well, I went right to Amazon and bought a 12-pack of tooth brushes and a few packs of disposable razors.  I'm sure I'm overdoing it and wasting money, but if an extra $20-30 keeps me from having to deal with all of this again, then it's well worth it.

I think you're perfectly sane!
Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: jakas on October 10, 2016, 02:50:14 pm
I did nothing really. Just used a new toothbrush each month and used a disposable razor which I changed once a week. EOT new regular razor and new tooth brush. No panic. ;)
Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: Lynn K on October 13, 2016, 07:07:08 pm
Changed my toothbrush at the normal American Dental Association recommendation time of 3 months of use that was it.

Did nothing else. I still have the same clippers. I didn't bleach anything except my white laundry.

Finished my 24 weeks of Harvoni May 2015 still cured.
Title: Re: Started Harvoni tonight, wondering about shaving, etc during treatment..
Post by: lporterrn on October 13, 2016, 08:37:11 pm
I didn't change my toothbrush nor anything else. Didn't worry about it for a second.