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Hepatitis C Main Forums => Post Hepatitis C Treatment => Topic started by: Moses on November 21, 2017, 11:01:54 pm

Title: Liver OK after 12 year - Gallbladder issue :-(
Post by: Moses on November 21, 2017, 11:01:54 pm
Well mah friends..

I got some news, but I need met with doctor to know more about, but for now he told me my liver is OK, a little bit fat but the worst part he want to take my Gallbladder out, there someone here already take Gallbladder out?? should I did it?? its not bother me so much, but looks like the doctor are making me some pressure..and I really don't want cut my Gallbladder.

thanks guys..
Title: Re: Liver OK after 12 year - Gallbladder issue :-(
Post by: CureSeeker on December 04, 2017, 07:54:31 am
You can always get a second opinion on surgery.  There are other treatments if it hasn't progressed too far.

A side effect of the virus is producing calcifications.  Change your diet.  No dairy or fats.  This will work for MAYBE a year??????, but chances are your GB will need to go anyway - once merely eating plain tea and toast leaves you in great pain.  This change will benefit your fatty liver greatly too.

Do NOT ignore your GB!  If it gets to the point that it bursts, you will end up in the hospital anyway, and in far worse shape than if you had simply bit the bullet and had it removed when advised too.

Best wishes!  :)
Title: Re: Liver OK after 12 year - Gallbladder issue :-(
Post by: Lynn K on December 04, 2017, 05:20:54 pm
From another post Moses said he was cured of Hep c 10 years ago with interferon.

But yes I agree that having a severe gall bladder attack can be quite serious and it is better removed as a normal procedure than as an emergency surgery.
Title: Re: Liver OK after 12 year - Gallbladder issue :-(
Post by: CureSeeker on December 04, 2017, 09:16:08 pm
That's okay Lynn, I'm just making it Hep C related, lol.  He could have just had what they commonly call 'sand' or 'sludge' 10+ years ago, and now his GB in trouble.

A lot of people don't know that the virus can leech calcium from our bodies and somehow use it to create calcifications which can occur anywhere - urinary bladder, gall bladder, kidneys, liver, breasts etc. 

The surgery is so easy these days.  Laparoscopy, one or two tiny incisions.  Its silly to risk waiting and end up with a 7 inch or larger scar across your right side.  Some people go home that day or the next day.  Maybe a week to recuperate.  Its not the big deal it used to be, unless he waits too long. 

Be a good kid!  Go get it removed!  Your common bile duct will thank you IF you don't wait too long.  :D
Title: Re: Liver OK after 12 year - Gallbladder issue :-(
Post by: Lynn K on December 04, 2017, 09:21:55 pm
Oh ok

Yeah I had mine out in 2008 and since I had hep c for 30 years and cirrhosis at that point hardly a surprise that it could be hep c related.

Yup laparoscopy is the way to go if you can. I was out recuperating at home by afternoon
Title: Re: Liver OK after 12 year - Gallbladder issue :-(
Post by: CureSeeker on December 04, 2017, 09:34:34 pm
I had mine out in the '80s.  My bikini days ended before I was 30.  :(

They just started doing it laparoscopic about 6 months after I had mine out, but I would have never been able to hold out another 6 months.  3 days in the hospital and laid up for another 6 weeks.  It was planned, not emergency.

My father in law let his GB get to the point that it ruptured.  He turned kinda green and they thought he was going to die.  He was laid up longer than I was, but luckily recovered.

What do you need something like that happening for, Moses?