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Started my fourth week of Mavyret

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andrew j:
It's a normal side-effect - and nothing to worry about.
... In fact - you seem to be feeling all the right things in all the right places!

Best of luck with the rest of yr Tx.


P.S. I like your little message.
Its ... comforting, somehow!

Good evening everyone, just a little update on my situation. I finally get my blood work done Thursday. 1 pm. I also have been happy to share what I know, and have been thru thus far. Tonight, I get rid of my old infected toothbrush as told by my Mavyret nurse Krissy. I start week five tomorrow, so its coming along quite well thus far. I was late on my medication on superbowl sunday, as I always made homemade wings on that day. I'm very careful with the knife I use. but I almost forgot my medication time at four, I was told I could still take it around the normal 12 hours between doses. Or be sure to have em down by 18 hours max between my recommended time(six total hours) I usually dose at 4pm daily, ended up taking my meds at 10 pm. then the following day at 8pm, then six pm today, then back to 4pm tomorrow. just thought I'd space out the increments a bit. good night all...

For a great many of us the fears of re-infection are a burden that is not founded upon facts as much as myths. Fortunately re-infection by using things like tooth brushes, towels, nail clippers etc are only theoretical incidents.

I can tell you that I was unknowingly infected with HCV for a great many years and the myths about how this disease can spread are far worse than reality. If HCV infection was as communicable as many lead us to believe it would be a pandemic that would be catastrophic.

When I was first diagnosed in 1993 the facts about how the disease spread were just coming into light and many over reacted to the situation. I can remember being told by medical professionals things like never to share towels, grooming implements (for instance hair brushes) and the list went on and on. Don't give someone a piece of food off your plate if you have used a fork or whatever.

The fear and overreaction to this disease was terrible and unfortunately many of the myths still persist to this day.
I am sure that you are on the road to freedom from this disease and the burden it places upon us all in more ways than can be measured in terms of what it does to just our livers.

Lynn K:
I did not hear that kind of stuff about towels or sharing food. I was originally diagnosed in late 1990.

I did read the CDC hep c FAQ for the general public which does suggest not sharing things that could be contaminated with blood like razors or tooth brushes never heard a word about hair brushes how often do we bleed when brushing our hair lol.

As far as my own personal hygiene items I did not dispose of my tooth brush or take any special measures like some have beyond what I always do and rinse off my tooth brush with hot tap water when I finish. I also kept the same fingernail clippers throughout my treatment.

Not sure why you were worried about your knife. My biggest concern about getting a cut was infection others but once your viral load is not detectable it would be near impossible for that to happen as even if you did have a very small amount of virus remaining below detectable levels it just wouldn’t be a big enough dose of the virus to infect.

Best of luck with your remaining treatment try not to worry

Good evening to everyone, I got blood work today, and had my appointment today. Again, I'm not going to keep my hopes up. I learned long ago never to do that. but everything seems to be on track and moving. I did end up with a lot of fatigue today, either because I stayed up towing till 3 am from 5pm. But tonight seems a lot harder to shake it. Having abnormal stress levels at work is not helping. I'm wondering if that stress would effect my treatment in any way? I had a very long day as I was awake today since 8 am again. just tired... have a good night all..


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