Hepatitis Forums

Hepatitis C Main Forums => On Hepatitis C Treatment => Topic started by: Perca05 on April 30, 2015, 07:16:06 pm

Title: When are you truly no longer 'contagious'?
Post by: Perca05 on April 30, 2015, 07:16:06 pm
So...at the end of my 12 weeks, when my labs come back and it says 'undetectable' (I'm praying)  will that mean that if my husband mistakenly uses my toothbrush, he will not get HCV?  If I bleed on a friend from an accidental cut, is my blood safe?

Thank you
Title: Re: When are you truly no longer 'contagious'?
Post by: Lynn K on April 30, 2015, 09:06:36 pm
Hi Perca05

You are considered clear of hep c at 12 weeks post treatment not at EOT (end of treatment).

Twelve weeks post if still undetected is called SVR 12 Sustained Virologic Response.

If you make SVR 12 you have a 99.8% probability of staying virus free.

You still wont be allowed to donate blood because the blood banks just test for the Hep c antibody and you will always test positive for the hep c antibodies but not for the virus.

Good Luck wishing you SVR forever!