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Welcome to the Hep Forums, a round-the-clock discussion area for people who have Fatty Liver Disease, Hepatitis B, C or a co-infection, their friends and family and others with questions about hepatitis and liver health. Check in frequently to read what others have to say, post your comments, and hopefully learn more about how you can reach your own health goals.

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On Hepatitis C Treatment / Re: Third time is the charm? Starting 12 weeks of Vosevi
« Last post by jberlin on December 22, 2023, 09:27:39 am »
Thanks so much for posting your struggles here, it will help so many others over time. Hep C treatments have gotten so much more effective over 30 years (20% to 90+%), shorter and easier (a year of shots, weight and hair loss - to 12 weeks of pills) - but, as your case points out, not 100% effective.

But what else your story points out is bravery and determinedness - which is as important as the drugs! Also, the need for community during this process. We are here for you, as this forum was here for me so long ago when I relapsed from my first 48 week treatment.

Please update us often along these weeks of your current journey, and certainly after you get your 90 day post treatment viral count of undetectable and you know the dragon is slayed. Third time will be the charm I am sure!

This "Jack" repeats for all relapsers "Go back and do it again!"

Happy New Year!

On Hepatitis C Treatment / Third time is the charm? Starting 12 weeks of Vosevi
« Last post by opaleye on December 14, 2023, 07:55:17 pm »
Hello All,

It's been quite a while since I've posted here. LynnK might remember me  :)  So good to see this forum is still up and running. Thank you moderators and members for traveling this journey with us all together.

I failed Havoni and then Mavyret. After five years of recovering from those disappointments, and being primary caregiver to my husband during surgeries due to his diabetes (resulting in a BKA last year), I finally have mustered the strength to, as Steely Dan would say, "go back, Jack, do it again."

Took my first Vosevi tablet a few hours ago. I can't believe how emotional I am. I keep reading the stories on this forum and other forums of Post-Vosevi SVR.... and I feel Hope again.

Time to Slay the Dragon once and for all!
Resmetirom Improves NASH and Liver Fibrosis in Phase III Trial

Resmetirom, a leading contender in the race to become the first approved treatment for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), reduced liver fat accumulation and improved inflammation and liver fibrosis in a Phase III clinical trial, according to results presented at the EASL Congress in Vienna.

While cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality for people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), liver fat itself may not raise the risk for heart disease after accounting for other risk factors, according to study findings published in the journal Hepatology.

“Taking this report alone, it suggests that there is no increased risk of CVD in persons with NAFLD above that conferred by other metabolic comorbidities,” Ian Rowe, PhD, of the University of Leeds, and Alina Allen, MD, of the Mayo Clinic, wrote in an accompanying editorial.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its more severe form, NASH, are responsible for a growing proportion of advanced liver disease worldwide. Often associated with obesity and diabetes, fatty liver disease is increasingly recognized as a component of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors associated with CVD. Over time, NAFLD can lead to liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer. With no approved medical therapies, disease management is dependent on lifestyle changes such as weight loss and exercise.

Advanced Liver Disease / Re: Liver Pain after eating
« Last post by Docroccin on August 22, 2023, 04:45:24 pm »
Hey Pete.  Thanks for sharing your story. Helpful info for me.
Am I Infected? / Re: Hep c/b exposure?
« Last post by Lynn K on June 10, 2023, 04:52:39 pm »
I’m pretty sure you already know the answer to your question. As you said yourself this is really far fetched and your OCD is likely talking.

My suggestion is to speak with your counselor and get treatment for your OCD.

Likely using cocaine only increases your existing anxieties.

Best of luck to you   
Am I Infected? / Hep c/b exposure?
« Last post by Jaydog on June 08, 2023, 01:14:12 pm »
Hi guys,

I appreciate this may sound somewhat farfetched but i recently bought a bag of cocaine for my birthday. I took 2 bumps and used my own key to snort it both times. I gave the bag back to my friend afterwards as i realised this party life is no longer for me.

Im concerned that maybe there was blood inside the bag of cocaine and that maybe i am at risk for a hep c/b infection?. What worries me more is that 3 days later my 1 year old daughter snatched this key from my hand and cut her hand in the process. I am even more concerned now as im worried that any potential leftover blood on the key could have gotten into my daughter's hand when she cut herself.

Now I have no reason to believe there was blood in the cocaine/key, i think its just my ocd playing with me and im very protective over my daughter and i worry about where the cocaine may have come from. For arguments sake, if there was blood in the cocaine which was transferred to my key what are my daughter's risks of contracting the hepatitis virus 3 days after its contact with the cocaine?. I did not notice any visible blood on the key, just a bit of rust from the wear and tear and obviously there was no cocaine left on the key either.

My main worry is for my daughter and i keep reading that trace amounts of blood/virus can transmit this virus

What is mine and my daughter's risk on this?

Thank you in advance

Post Hepatitis C Treatment / Re: About 6 Years Clear - Slightly Elevated Bilirubin
« Last post by mcleigh02 on May 04, 2023, 01:01:02 pm »
Spammer Removed - Thank you
4/26/23 Still Undetected

Gastro Doc not concerned about bilirubin, says i might have Gilbert syndrome due to the changes and fluctuation

have a FIBER Scan scheduled for next week as back in 2016 i was F2/3 we want to see were we are now.
Post Hepatitis C Treatment / About 6 Years Clear - Slightly Elevated Bilirubin
« Last post by andrew90 on April 14, 2023, 11:23:12 am »

Recently had blood work done after a very long time, and it came back with slightly elevated Bilirubin at 1.8, my PC did say that it should be lower around 1.2 but we don't have a baseline to make a judgement call on how raised it really is.
I rarely drink, but i do recall i had a Fibro scan that had slight damage so maybe im just not recovering as well?

ALT and AST are perfect around 20-30 each
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