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Author Topic: dr wont treat my RA aggressive because he thiks my Hep c will come back 10yrs cl  (Read 14024 times)

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Offline jamit_a

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My MD wont treat my RA with aggressively meds because he thinks my Hep-C will return? I've been undetectable for 10yrs +++ anyone heard of this?? Please help. my latest MRI's are bad with all of my cervical discs showing bulging and narrowing of neuro canals from C1 thru C7 also my lower lumbar shows the same results at L4-L5, and S1 I'm in pain and my RA is out of control! on pain meds but no anti inflammatory med my GI is very sensitive and I cant take anything that doesn't upset my stomach.. any feedback would be great!

God bless you

Offline sweet_susie

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Hi Jamit,

Welcome to the forums and sorry to hear about your dilemma.

I'm not really clear what your Hep C history is all about. You were diagnosised with Hep C ten years ago? Or did you undergo treatment and clear it ten years ago?

If you cleared it ten years ago and all subsequent tests have been negative you would be considered cured. In that case, I don't get the connection between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Hep.

If you have been living with Hep C for ten years and not showing any problems that is a different story. I have a friend with RA and the medication and pain meds she takes are very hard on the liver. I can see a connection in that case.

If you can give us more background, would be easier to comment.

Offline jberlin

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I agree, if your HCV test is truly UD, your Doc is just being old school, as for many years the thought was SVR (sustained virological response) and was not considered a cure, just remission.  The CDC changed that opinion some years' ago, and if you are UD for 6 months you are cured and the virus is gone.  Now, the other question was about your liver health, and that is worth considering depending on any damage caused by your having hep C.  Good luck.

Offline jamit_a

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I cleared the virus 10 years ago. and now my doc. thinks if I treat the RA in an aggressive manner the hep -C will come back!

Hope this cleared things up..


Offline jamit_a

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Oh my liver is fine only showed mild fibrosis after biopsy 10 yrs ago and all my current liver function tests are fine not elevated at all.. also my RA doc. thinks I'm getting a false positive on my RA test due to my history of Hep -C but like I said in the the earlier post I'm un detectable for 10yrs ++++ now... my joints are killing me and i could tell you when it's going to rain 5 days in advance due to my pain in my joints..

God bless;

Offline jberlin

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I suggest a second opinion from a different doc.  Good luck!


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