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Author Topic: Harvoni side effects  (Read 7075 times)

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Offline emmett

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Harvoni side effects
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:43:48 am »
I'm truly thankful to be on Harvoni and my first month labs showed me undetectable after 4.5 million viral load. Side effects have been headaches, gastro problems, aches, insomnia, fatigue and anxiety with a weird irritation to sound. There have been a few nights the anxiety was so bad it scared me a bit, this  is like the last chance railroad so anything that resembles intolerance to the drug scares me big time. I'm f3 and progressed quickly to that since Im coinfected with HIV. Wish I could afford a massage tonight but all my funds are tapped out or a week in Hawaii by the beach, I need a vacation from it all but I'm sure every single man and woman on these boards needs one as well.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 02:33:32 am by emmett »

Offline Dimmer

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Re: Harvoni side effects
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2015, 04:15:14 pm »
I have been on Harvion scents December 12 and will be on for 12 weeks I have been pretty much health but all of a sudden strange things are happening to me. Like I go to the dentist faithfully take care but all of a sudden my gums started to bleed and feel as I need a root canal on both sides. My face is breaking out not bad 1 or 2 pimples and I never get them. And my bones in October I fell and fractured my wrist (not on pills yet) but than Sunday tried to start snowblower fell against it and chipped a bone same arm different side not that this is side effects but why all this stuff.
 I work outside I am a Flagger but we are laid off for the season and this is why I started this drug I have been fine bad cold and the first couple of days I felt as if I was on speed I was so active. And when I get up It seam like I snored pretty heavy but I am not a snorer.OK that's my story ;)

Offline emmett

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Re: Harvoni side effects
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2015, 07:12:47 pm »
sounds like a bummer, sorry to hear you are having problems and they don't sound good. I have bone problems but it's due to prednisone use as i'm an asthmatic, I developed osteoporosis really early in life and this thing called AVN, the blood stops going to the joints and it breaks down causing severe and intense pain, the only remedy is a total joint replacement of which I've had 2. Hiv also causes some bone problems in some people and the drugs as well, it might be worth it to do a whole workup and find out if there is anything else going on with other meds you are taking. I know about the feeling like you are on speed, I kind of liked it at first and felt as if I must be getting better as I had more energy but that feeling has turned into intense anxiety and I'm losing my patcience and it's making me feel like crap...I'm counting down the days till I can be off of this medication...I have to clear it, there is no other way.


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