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Author Topic: I think i may have been infected  (Read 9966 times)

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Offline warriorknight

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I think i may have been infected
« on: November 15, 2014, 12:53:46 pm »
Hi guys

I started to feel unwell nearly 7 weeks ago and continue to feel sick. This started with burning/tingling pain down by right side and my right nipple area which also raised a small cyst type lump underneath which is sore. Following this came pain/tingling in my arms and pain in my thighs with general feeling of being unwell. Then pain in my right side where my liver is. The pain then went in to the right side of my face and right eye making it blurry to see out of that eye. Then came the headaches and mild fever and chills that have persisted. The pain in my side has persisted with the fever dropping off. Remaining with a feeling of being unwell and groggyness. I have had pins and needles type pains all over particulary in my fingers and arms. Went to the GP they first said shingles, next was the viral infection and now third time visit they sent me for blood tests. There was a full range of tests done. Some of the tests have come back as normal however my liver function test has not come back yet but should be back next week... i am presuming there is something wrong/stopping the hurried process of the liver function test coming back quickly which is what is pointing me to this type of illness. I have had a liver test a few years ago which said i had Gilbert's syndrome.

I have previously shared cocaine with people and have got tattoo's. The most recent time of taking cocaine was 8 weeks before i started to feel unwell and that was the first time in years that i had partaken.

I am just looking for some help, advice and maybe assistance to getting well again!


Offline Bucky

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Re: I think i may have been infected
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2014, 01:15:55 pm »
Welcome and sorry but I don't have a clue. I first thought shingles as well.

Offline warriorknight

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Re: I think i may have been infected
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2014, 01:31:34 pm »
Ok thank you for the reply. I have also got these tiny red dots randomly over my body. Not like a rash just tiny individual ones on my chest and arms. About 10 of them that came when it began! :/

Offline lisapodolsky

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Re: I think i may have been infected
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2014, 10:02:54 am »
Are the tiny red dots painful? or Perhaps itchy??


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