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Author Topic: Liver transplant  (Read 9327 times)

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Offline Cally Balmoral

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Liver transplant
« on: April 30, 2015, 07:39:25 pm »
Anybody who has had a liver transplant and just finished Harvoni and are post tx SVR?  Hope I posted this correctly.    Cally

Offline suenashed

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Re: Liver transplant
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2015, 05:24:03 pm »
Hi, I am the wife of a husband who had a liver transplant due to Hep C. He had his transplant Jan 2 2001, and has actually done quite well, seeing his enzymes improve, and only taking minimal meds. When we heard about Harvoni, we knew he had to try it. We were a little worried when we found he would also have to take ribaviron, because when he took that previously (before transplant) he had side effects. He is now on the last 2 weeks of Harvoni, and is worried because, although his enzymes are now normal he is still testing positive for the virus. The viral load is now 12, so it is so low that it is hardly there but he does not test - not detected. This has been true for the past 2 blood tests. We are hoping that the next test will give us the not detected we are anxiously waiting for. Also wondering how things will be after the end of treatment. He has experienced side effects, fatigue (heavy duty) cough, and headaches. His hemoglobin has fallen to the point that he may need procrit or a blood transfusion. We are praying for him... would like to hear how you are doing

Offline Cally Balmoral

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Re: Liver transplant
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2015, 09:48:54 pm »
I had my transplant in 2005 and have never had any rejection problems at all.  However the virus returned to the new liver very quickly.  After several other treatments,I took Harvoni for 12 weeks.  My dr. wouldn't do any testing until I finished the full twelve weeks of Harvoni.  My blood work then was undetected.  I am 8 weeks since the end of the Harvoni.  I have had side effects since the end of the treatment, sounding very similar to your husband.   My liver enzymes are normal, but I have heavy duty fatigue, headaches, cough and iron deficiency.  Everyone says to be positive, so that's what I try to do everyday.  So  be hopeful.  I will too pray for your husband, what is his name?  Cally

Offline Cally Balmoral

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Re: Liver transplant
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2015, 11:17:13 pm »
to BubbaT.....I can't find my post to you today ????    Cally

Offline suenashed

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Re: Liver transplant
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2015, 06:34:40 pm »
So nice to hear from you Cally. My husband's name is Helmy. Wondering, did you take Ribaviron with the Harvoni? I have heard that however long you take Ribaviron, that's how long it will take to recover from it. if you took it for 2 months, then it will take you 2 months to recover from it. Also nice to hear that you achieved the not detected status! We are hoping for the same, next blood test is tomorrow, so we will get the results on Wednesday. Hope you feel a little better each day!  Susan

Offline suenashed

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Re: Liver transplant
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2015, 06:43:10 pm »
Just wanted to let you know that Helmy had to take the Ribaviron with the Harvoni, I'm not sure I mentioned that before.
I'm wondering how many liver transplant patients have tried the Harvoni cure and how good the cure rate is. So far you are the only one I have made contact with.


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