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Author Topic: Weight Gain, post-Harvoni  (Read 23170 times)

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Offline atomic dog

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Weight Gain, post-Harvoni
« on: May 09, 2015, 01:05:02 pm »
Several folks on the forum have experienced the same type of weight gain that I experienced--gaining a pound or more per week. Part of that is due to an increased appetite for sugary and high-carb stuff. And who knows, there may be a metabolic reason connected to the Harvoni. My 12-week treatment ends tomorrow; I packed on 14 pounds. I'm endeavoring to get control of my diet and hope that I will feel more energetic post-Harvoni and will increase my walking and other exercises. But has anyone here post-Harvoni found it difficult to lose weight?
Infected 1969, dirty needle
Geno 1a
Stage 2 fib, some necrosis
TX naive
1/29/15 ALT61; AST43
2/16/15 Started Harvoni; VL 1.5 m;
2/19/15 ALT40; AST24
2/29/15 ALT29; AST25
3/9/15 ALT28; AST25; 
3/9/15 < 20 IU/mL (3 wks) HCV RNA remains 'detected'
3/24/15 ALT30; AST25;
3/24/15 <20 IU/mL (5 wks) HCV RNA
4/10/15 <20 IU/ml (7 weeks) HCV RNA
4/20/15 ALT36; AST27
4/20/15 UND
5/11/15 UND (EOT); ALT33; AST25
6/11/15 UND; ALT 34; AST 29
8/14/15 UND
11/15/15 SVR, 24-wk EOT

Offline WholeFoods

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Re: Weight Gain, post-Harvoni
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2015, 03:32:54 pm »
Opposite problem here. Isn't it odd how this drug affects people so differently? I had a dr. Visit 3 weeks in and mentioned weight. He said if it's what your body normally does under stress, not to worry. In my case, yes, I lose weight under extreme stress. Not sure if that helps, but thought I'd throw it out there.

Offline MEG

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Re: Weight Gain, post-Harvoni
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2015, 09:56:31 pm »
Hi atomic, I'm almost 3 weeks post EOT.

I'm finding that the feeling hungry all the time has dissipated. My carb/sugar cravings weren't as severe as others. Started a diet last week to try to lose the weight. ...I'll keep you posted on how things go. Good luck!
Geno 1a. IL28B+ with TT polymorphism.
Diagnosed 1993.
Liver Biopsy 1993 --inflammation.
Fibroscan 2014---no fibrosis.
ALT range---60s
AST range---80s.
Platelets: 200K range.
Viral load--2 million range.

Began Harvoni on January 23.
Finished 12 week course on April 19.

May 18---4 week EOT labs:
AST: 23
ALT: 22...........These have not been this low throughout treatment and since my 20s.

12 weeks EOT on July 15---Undetected.

Offline atomic dog

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Re: Weight Gain, post-Harvoni
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2015, 09:41:48 pm »
Best of luck, Meg.
Infected 1969, dirty needle
Geno 1a
Stage 2 fib, some necrosis
TX naive
1/29/15 ALT61; AST43
2/16/15 Started Harvoni; VL 1.5 m;
2/19/15 ALT40; AST24
2/29/15 ALT29; AST25
3/9/15 ALT28; AST25; 
3/9/15 < 20 IU/mL (3 wks) HCV RNA remains 'detected'
3/24/15 ALT30; AST25;
3/24/15 <20 IU/mL (5 wks) HCV RNA
4/10/15 <20 IU/ml (7 weeks) HCV RNA
4/20/15 ALT36; AST27
4/20/15 UND
5/11/15 UND (EOT); ALT33; AST25
6/11/15 UND; ALT 34; AST 29
8/14/15 UND
11/15/15 SVR, 24-wk EOT

Offline mario555

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Re: Weight Gain, post-Harvoni
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2015, 08:30:17 am »
My weight fluctuated during my 24 weeks treatment. I did notice changes in my approach to food where I started to include much better food choices. This state has continued improving since I stopped the treatment. Part of it is because of the poor state of my liver (F4) and part is a newfound preference for healthier food.
I've never had a weight problem in the past (6'2'', 180 pounds) but I've lost 3-4 pounds since stopping my treatment.
You can eat as much as you want but not ''what you want''. You can't get fat on carrots!!!!
60 years old. Likely infected 1975. Geno 1a
F4  8 millions VL,  AST 140  ALT 140
Generally in good health except problems are creeping up rapidly!
2 failed attempts Inf 2000 and Inf-riba 2010
Harvoni 24 weeks
Start 11/13/2014   EOT 4/27/2015
VL4 - UND (may 25)
VL12 - UND
VK24 -  UND
Hopefully cured forever!

Offline nicole_1234

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Re: Weight Gain, post-Harvoni
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2015, 04:03:42 am »
I tend to drop weight under stress or medication and on interferon I was down to 114lbs. I'm 5'10 and my normal weight is around 130. After Harvoni I was shocked that I was up to 145. I prefer to be a little overweight than severely under, seems healthier. I think I have been eating more and less active since treatment. I'm slowly getting back to my excerise routine and after I get back from Europe trip of 3 weeks (where I'm going to happily eat anything I want) I'm going to start a diet and liver cleanse. For now, I'm trying to take it a day at a time. First step was SVR12. I'll worry about the extra pounds later!
Genotype 1a
TX interferon/riba 2007 (relapsed)

TX Harvoni 12 week start Dec 3 2014
Starting vl 650,000  ALT 55 AST 63
2 week  vl <15
4 week vl UND
8 week vl UND
12 week EOT ALT 11 AST 18
6 week post tx UND ALT 15 AST 20
12 week post tx UND (CURED!!!!) ALT 11 AST 20
24 week post tx UND ALT 11 AST 18

Offline sugarfree

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Re: Weight Gain, post-Harvoni
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2015, 06:21:14 pm »
Yes yes and yes....sugar and carb cravings thru the roof combined by almost 16 hours of sleep everyday thru my 12 week treatment.  Still trying to control sweets but I also gained.  I thought it was just my lack of energy which I'm still having trouble with.  But I am now 3 months off of Hamoni and I was told to give it 3 more months to get everything out of my system.  But no matter what happens,I am non detected and life is beautiful!


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