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Author Topic: Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof  (Read 10486 times)

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Offline cdmazoff

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Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof
« on: June 23, 2015, 01:05:56 pm »
Hi All.  Yesterday (day 6 of treatment) I was checking my blood pressure (I have to do  this because I have some heart problems and etc) and I noticed that my blood pressure had gone to 168/100!!!!!!!!  My normal BP is around 112/60, although lately it has been erratic and I've been getting some occasional higher (130/80) readings.

Anyways:  I googled Harvoni side effects and found that people had been talking about this very issue on this forum. THANKS!!!  It really made me feel not so alone.  But I'm really frightened!!!  My BP went back down yesterday evening to 137/81 (still high for me).. Now, Tuesday morning and I just took my Harvoni and I'll check my BP in a bit.  I called the clinic and the nurse told me that although my BP was high that I should not worry!!! (??????????).. She said she would contact my gastro and they would decide whether to put me on a BP lowering med.  Problem is that I'm already on calcium channel blockers that do this for my heart condition (atrial fibrillation)..  The atrial fibrillation kicked in when I was on a Merck trial that WAS CURING ME and they pulled me off because of that!!! I don't have any afib with Harvoni.. but sheeesh and a half.. this BP thing is REALLY freaky!!!!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 01:07:51 pm by cdmazoff »

Offline sabre

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Re: Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2015, 03:48:05 pm »
My BP was high before beginning treatment and I was on 80mg of Diovan at the time. After beginning Harvoni, I'd get spikes in the 168/94 range and was consistently elevated, otherwise for the duration of the treatment. My nephrologist doubled up on the Diovan because of my kidney disease and it came down to the high 140s/80s.

EOT was 4 days ago and I'll have my BP checked tomorrow at the nephrologists office. Don't trust the readings of the home BP cuff because it fluctuated so much.

Check with your doc...she/he may or may not recommend BP meds while treating your HepC (edit: whoops, reread your post and you're already being referred to your gastro for possible BP meds)

Good luck.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 03:50:31 pm by sabre »
Infected 1980 / Diagnosed 2008
GT 1 / Treatment naive / VL 190,000
Biopsy 2008: stage 0 grade 1
Fibroscan 2015: F2 mild fibrosis
Chronic kidney disease (due to HCV) / Proteinuria

12 weeks Harvoni began on 03/28/2015
End of treatment: 06/19/2015
Labs on 06/17/2015: Undetected
Labs on 09/21/2015: Undetected (SVR12)

Offline cdmazoff

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Re: Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2015, 03:55:16 pm »
Thanks for the reply Sabre!!!!  All the best to you. My BP has not reached yesterday's levels so far!! but it is still high (140/81) and makes me feel weird!! Hopefully the really high is just transient!!!  Hope you get an SVR!!!!!

Offline sabre

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Re: Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2015, 05:10:56 pm »
Thanks, CD. I hope the best outcome for you after you're done with your treatment as well!

You may be doing this already, but watch your sodium intake like a hawk. Read labels and shoot for around 2000mg a day, max. 1500 would be ideal. It's amazing how we've become a society of salt-aholics. You never really notice until you have a problem and are forced to live with a restricted diet.

Take care and best wishes!
Infected 1980 / Diagnosed 2008
GT 1 / Treatment naive / VL 190,000
Biopsy 2008: stage 0 grade 1
Fibroscan 2015: F2 mild fibrosis
Chronic kidney disease (due to HCV) / Proteinuria

12 weeks Harvoni began on 03/28/2015
End of treatment: 06/19/2015
Labs on 06/17/2015: Undetected
Labs on 09/21/2015: Undetected (SVR12)

Offline cdmazoff

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Re: Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2015, 05:47:46 pm »
Yup.. I already do!!  Been a healthfood conscious person for many many years.  But oh do I want some potato chips today!!  hahahahaha

Offline lporterrn

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Re: Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2015, 07:00:41 pm »
David - Keep track of your water and try to drink as much as you can tolerate. It will help with BP and headaches. Also, try to see if a fraction of that is nerves by checking it when you are relaxed. If so, then add relaxation/recreation in to your treatment plan.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline cdmazoff

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Re: Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2015, 07:56:23 pm »
Thanks Lucinda... I'm water conscious (but will try to be more so) and check my BP throughout the day  (at times when I am feeling relaxed)...



Offline cdmazoff

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Re: Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2015, 03:05:58 pm »
Just to give you an update:  On Wednesday my BP went down to 122/81 and then dropped to 96/66.... It is now (Thurdsay morning) at 122/63, my pulse is good (between 60 and 75) and no afib!!!!

Whew!!!!  I wonder what's next!!!! 

 :-\ ::) ???

Offline lporterrn

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Re: Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2015, 03:20:46 pm »
Fantastic. Do you take your BP regularly? If not, perhaps let that go for now unless your doctor wants you to take it. We all get occasional BP elevations and as a fellow sufferer/sympathizer of heart electrical issues, I find that a transient BP elevation makes me incredibly anxious, and more likely to keep me in high BP. I can go from near-Buddha mood to OMG I am going to have a stroke in an instant all because of a number on an electronic device.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline cdmazoff

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Re: Started Harvoni and Blood Pressure is through the roof
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2015, 04:13:09 pm »
Hi Lucinda... I only take my BP when I'm feeling out of sorts to see if I'm in hidden afib.  I have been asked by the clinic to check my afib status daily...  and it was only because of this that I found out my BP was extremely wonky!  My BP  doesn't trigger my BP if that's what you're suggesting.  I don't get stressed out about it... but I do get concerned... Anyways: it's back down now and so I can worry all I want!!! so there!!  ;)


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