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Author Topic: Dear John letter to HCV  (Read 5770 times)

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Offline Trish1

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Dear John letter to HCV
« on: June 26, 2015, 10:13:41 am »
Dear John,
I know we’ve been together a long time you and me.  Those early years were a blast, weren’t they?  Boy, did we party!  We had a great group of friends…… no wait, it was a group of degenerate fools.  :o What was I thinking?  And you, you just moved in and took over my life.  I did not invite you into my life, you just came in and took over.  You moved right in and took over my mind, my body and my soul and then you had the audacity to replicate yourself, not once but 5.1 million times!  HOW DARE YOU!  For the last 32 years I’ve given you everything, a nice warm place to stay, all the food and drink you could ever need, and what have you given me?  NOTHING!  Just a lot of heartache and sleepness nights.  Well dear John, the time has come that I must tell you that I’ve met someone new.  His name is Harvoni, I like to call him Harvey!!    ;D Let me tell you something dear John, Harvey is going to KICK YOUR ASSES!  All 5.1 million of them!!  >:(  So pack your bags, John, its moving day!  You are moving out and Harvey is moving in!
Very truly yours,
P.S. Don’t let the door hit you in the asses!!
Hasta la vista, HCV
Trish and Harvey up in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.  First comes love, then… well then Harvey kicks the ever loving shit out of John and they live happily ever after.
The End
Age 51
Infected 1983
GT 1a
VL 5.1m 
Bx 2004 - Grd 1 Stg 1 
Tx naive
Metavir Score 5/26/15 - F0-F1
Started Harvoni 6/23/2015 (8 wks)
4wk (during tx) - detected <15
8 wk EOT - undetected
4 wk after tx - undetected - SVR4
12 wk after tx - undetected - SVR12

Offline Redbird29

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Re: Dear John letter to HCV
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2015, 11:14:22 am »
Awesome letter Trish!!!! Lets make a toast to Harvey with our morning pill my friend (and our fruit smoothies)!! Here's to walking this road with you to sunshine at the end!!!
Infected - late 70's /early 80's
GT - 1a

Fibrosure 1/2015 - F1-2
TX Naive - Harvoni 8 wks

SOT 6/25/15  VL - 468,000        AST-44  ALT-56       
EOT  8/19/15  VL-  Not Detected AST-21  ALT-30


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