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Author Topic: I can't find my Viral load test in my Labs. None of them say HCV.  (Read 7479 times)

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Offline Wookie13

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Hello, my viral load labs have been done with all the other labs like AST, BILURUBAN, CBC, ALT etc but I can't find the HCV results anywhere. Do they call it something else also? They have done the test several times. They just did the test again last week and every single lab results came in on the Kaiser website but the HCV. I'm just curious of my Viral load. I'll be starting week 4 of Viekira Pak with Rib. Any help on looking through my labs would be great.
Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude.

Offline lporterrn

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Re: I can't find my Viral load test in my Labs. None of them say HCV.
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2015, 01:15:26 pm »
It usually says HCV RNA, but sometimes they have the specific assay and these can vary widely (such as Roche, COBAS, Abbott, etc) Viral load results sometimes take a week or 2 to return - how sure are you that it was ordered?
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline awol

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Re: I can't find my Viral load test in my Labs. None of them say HCV.
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2015, 02:34:11 pm »
Hey, you mentioned you were with Kaiser. They do not make your viral load accessible to you online because it's "sensitive information" - at least that's what I was told. You either have to call your assigned RN or doctor about it or wait for snail mail (could take 2 weeks).

Your load will be listed as "HCV Load" and "Log10 RNA". The load test usually takes a few days longer than the liver panel.

Since you said the test was done last week the results should be availabe Monday.

Offline Wookie13

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Re: I can't find my Viral load test in my Labs. None of them say HCV.
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2015, 02:52:46 pm »
Thanks you guys, the Doctor and the RN both said I can look at my results with all the others on the website. They have taken viral load labs several times but as I go through older labs the viral loads are never listed so perhaps you're right and they are not posted on the website. I already emailed the nurse and doctor I'm working with so I'll get to the bottom of it tomorrow. Thank you!
Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude.

Offline DeathtoHep

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Re: I can't find my Viral load test in my Labs. None of them say HCV.
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2015, 05:22:54 am »
Ive also noticed they dont report HCV load in the online version. Who knows why...
2005 Interferon nonresponder
2015 Approved for Viekira Pak
Pre TX:    8/3/15   AST 36 ALT 64
WK 3 lab: 8/25/15 AST 21 ALT 35
WK 7 lab: 9/25/15 AST 17 ALT 18
EOT   lab:11/1/15  AST 17 ALT 14 Undetected
12WK post treatment: lab 2/10/16 AST 25 ALT 24 Undetected

Offline Wookie13

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Re: I can't find my Viral load test in my Labs. None of them say HCV.
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2015, 10:15:57 am »
DeathtoHep, same thing happened to me. Found out they won’t post your viral load. It’s considered too sensitive similar to like a HIV test results. You just have to ask your doctor to pull up your labs and they’ll go over them with you. They let me take a photo with my phone of the screen.
Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude.


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