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Author Topic: Australian Q & A  (Read 9588 times)

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Offline Coach Mike

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Australian Q & A
« on: December 08, 2015, 06:22:52 am »
Hello All,

For U.S. Citizens planning on buzzing Down Under for a treatment tour: you will need a visa. Check the Australian embassy website. The visa application process is straightforward and can be done online, but requires rounding up some documentation and such. Plan time for that and processing.
Coach Mike
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24

Offline Coach Mike

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Re: Australian Q & A
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2015, 07:29:25 am »
A flight to Melbourne from DFW is currently priced at $1589 A 12 week treatment of generic sofosbuvir and ledipasvir is less than $2000, including the doctor's fee. If arranged online, your medication will be waiting for you at your hotel when you arrive.
Wait and hope.
Travel and treat.
Options are nice.

Coach Mike
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24

Offline Westy

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Re: Australian Q & A
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 07:53:55 am »

Don't forget your hat , some sunscreen and Dropbear Repellant !
Gen 3a Started Sof Dac 16/10/15
Ribavirin Started 18/11/2015

V/L 19 Mill +
Hep C pos approx. 27 yrs
2 Week Bloods = Normal Ast Alt, V/L 16 :)
10/Dec/15    UND  Probably was at week 4

Non responder 2011 BMS (dac) Peg Rib

Offline Coach Mike

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Re: Australian Q & A
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2015, 02:41:16 pm »
Has anyone ever heard of MonkMed?
I am trying to find out who they are and what they do.
Coach Mike
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24

Offline Coach Mike

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Re: Australian Q & A
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2015, 03:33:07 pm »
I looks like Gilead's reign of obscene profiteering and HCV sufferers' long wait for access to affordable treatment in the U.S. is coming to an end.
Coach Mike
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24

Offline malou

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Re: Australian Q & A
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2015, 08:39:45 pm »
I saw my PCP today and explained the situation to him, so we documented all of the Extra Hepatic Symptoms I am having, so that when I protest the denial I am expecting, we can follow it up with his office visit and documentation.

The other thing I will be doing is to contact NPR for a follow-up interview.  in 1998, I did a radio interview for the newly emerging HCV population for NPR.  At that time, I likened it to an episode of X-files which was dealing with parasitic invasions of aliens, lol.  Now I will have to find a different metaphor.  I doubt the original interview is still available, however, since I am now officially retired, there will be no harm in speaking out and trying to be a voice for all of us.  And, the squeaky wheel does get the grease.

If all fails, I will travel to Australia, India, or Bangladesh to obtain the medication.  My PCP feels it makes no sense to deny treatment to the healthy population, and just let them get sicker.  And of course, I agree.  I lost friends during transplantation and from HCC, so this the beginning of the battle.  ML
HCV 1996- Work Exposure ER nurse
GT 1a
Non-responder to Interferon in 1997
ALT 73 AST 21 F1-2
Applied to Insurance for Harvoni 12-15
Denied 12-3-15  Told I would never qualify for Harvoni because I was not 'ill'.
Started Twinvir (Bengladesh Harvoni) on 1/1/16

After 4 weeks ALT 23, AST 15, HCV-RNA UNDETECTED
After 8 weeks:AST 23, AST 11, HCV RNA UNDETECTED
6 weeks post treatment, undetected.

Offline Coach Mike

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Re: Australian Q & A
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2015, 10:56:58 am »
Hi Malou,
Get it to the external review.  Document all you EHMs. Contact Brendan Bietry at the Patient Advocate Foundation. Get a good note from your doctors.  My PCP, along with Brendan, got me approved.  First one not on the transplant list my insurer has covered.
I also think importation will begin on a large scale soon-very soon.  Customs and the FDA don't seem to be concerned with people importing life-saving medication that they can't afford to buy and insurance won't pay for.
Good Luck,
Coach Mike
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24


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