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Author Topic: How long does olysio sovaldi stay with us?  (Read 9577 times)

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Offline Mpetrecz

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How long does olysio sovaldi stay with us?
« on: August 02, 2015, 10:17:52 am »
This is not a complaint,  I feel fantastic and have my life back.  I am almost a year post meds and am hepc cured.  My question is because in the past few weeks, I've devoeloped sun sensitivity agian....major headaches and eye aches from light, and the skin on my scalp is tingling and sore,,,,like it was with the s/o combination,
So, can these messed still be affecting me after a year?

Offline badbradley

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Re: How long does olysio sovaldi stay with us?
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2015, 01:04:14 am »
I finished S/O 9mths ago, relapsed. The past few mths I have been experiencing thigh pain and heart palpitations. I did not have these symptoms before treatment.
Can't say if it is from meds or return of the virus. I'm fit and active so the heart palps are somewhat concerning.
Geno 1a
Sov/Oly 12wks - relapse
Har/Riba 12wks
Alt-16  Ast-17 SVR - 12
Alt-15  Ast-14 SVR - 24

Offline Mpetrecz

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Re: How long does olysio sovaldi stay with us?
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2015, 07:53:49 am »
So sorry badbradley.....when did they discover your relapse?  What is the plan now?  Yeah. It's just odd things I'm noticing....the light sensitivity...im back to wearing sunglasses all the time...it helps a lot....and my skin sensitivity isn't as anoying now...so I hope that improves and goes away...
I don't have any thigh pain.....I ride horses again and feel great overall....but I am having problems getting my blood pressure down,,,,,...
Hope things improve for you....let me know if you have any other weird things....that may or may not be from long term med side effects,,,,

Offline Phil

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Re: How long does olysio sovaldi stay with us?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2015, 06:53:19 pm »
The half-life of simeprevir is 41 hours. In general any medication will clear the system in 5 to 6 half lives. So at 10 days most of simeprevir will be eliminated. Assuming someone is not in florid liver failure and the gastrointestinal  system is functing. Specifically as relates to simeprevir, which is metabolized by the liver and eliminated mostly by the  gastrointestinal  system. Elimination is not renal. So at 2 weeks simeprevir is gone, unless you are in liver failure or your GI system is in trouble, in which case you would be very ill and in hospital, with elimination time being then academic.

We have no evidence of damage to the body done by simeprevir, or side effects which persist. That's not to say we will not one day learn of long lasting effects of this new medication. That does become less likely as time goes on and more people are treated without reported specific long term effects. So in general better to look for another cause of a symptom which has returned after clearing a medication. Perhaps simeprevir was not the cause initially, the association only temporal.


Offline Phil

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Re: How long does olysio sovaldi stay with us?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2015, 06:59:45 pm »
Sorry I missed the combination. Sofosbuvir has an even shorter half-life of 27 hours. However it is excreted by the kidneys so add a prolonged time for renal disease. Same thing otherwise. Even with mild renal disease in 2 weeks it would be gone. In any case photosensitivity has only been associated with simeprevir. Not sofosbuvir. To my knowledge.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 07:15:02 pm by Phil »

Offline Mpetrecz

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Re: How long does olysio sovaldi stay with us?
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2015, 07:29:23 pm »
Thanks Phil.  I am wearing my sunglasses....I still get headaches from the bright light.....and the tingling on my head is gone,,,,and as before I feel fantastic.  I'm doing things I couldn't do a year ago....effortlessly....it wasn't a complaint...it was just an oddity I was noticing.....my hair has doubled in thickness...I didn't realize I had lost any hair...from the hep or meds....but wow...li can't believe how much hair I have now with about 3 inches of new growth,,,,,,.....all over my head,,...go figure...lol


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