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Author Topic: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin  (Read 10028 times)

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Offline Karen1124

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24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« on: July 25, 2016, 11:48:20 am »
 Hey Warriors, Starting today on a long treatment. I relapsed last year on Harvoni 8 week treatment.
Any one else on this treatment?
Geno 1a
VL 2 million
DX May 1 2014
Bio June 5 2014
moderate fibrosis
Start Harvoni 2/5/2015
EOT 4/1/2015
 7/22/2014 alt 186 12/30  64  3/5/15  39
7/22/14  ast 114    12/30.  41  3/5/15  27
Don't know how I got hep C in my 20s I did snort coke a few times.
3/5/15 undetected
4/2/15 less than 15 VL ferrin levels normal
4/9/15 undetected!!
6/24/15 relapse VL 424,000
7/26/16 Started treatment today Harvoni and Ribavirin 24 weeks

Offline BillT

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Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2016, 07:08:32 pm »
Hi Karen and welcome to the forum.You relapsed after the 8 week Harvoni treatment,and  a year later they put you on the 24 week with the ribas.Is that correct?I'm going to let someone else wade in on this one. :)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 07:12:18 pm by BillT »
Contracted 1973 Military
Diagnosed 1980
Pegintron treatment 2004 unsucessful
Genotype 1b
FibroScan 10 (F2)
Start Viekira 10.17.2015

AST 40 ALT 69
VL 440k
10.31.2015/Week 2 Labs : AST 14/ALT 17
No VL done
10.14.2015/Week 4 labs : AST 14/ALT 14
12.11.2015/Week 8 Labs : AST 12/ALT 13
No VL done
01.05.2016/EOT labs : AST 15/ALT 13



Fibroscan 6Mo. Post Treatment 7.15.2016-5.3(F1)

Offline Lynn K

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Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2016, 08:51:40 pm »
Hi Karen

I was a 3 time null responder to interferon based treatment. I treated with Sovaldi & Olysio for 12 weeks all was good on treatment but when tested at 12 weeks post I relapsed. That was March to Jun 2014. The relapse was in Sept 2014. In November I started on Harvoni for 24 weeks and after a few weeks I discussed with my doctor about adding Ribavirin she agreed that would be a good idea so at week 9 of Harvoni treatment I finally received my ribavirin. I treated with ribavirin for 15 weeks of the 24 weeks of Harvoni.

So almost what you were asking about. Do you have any questions?


Genotype 1a
1978 contracted, 1990 Dx
1995 Intron A failed
2001 Interferon Riba null response
2003 Pegintron Riba trial med null response
2008 F4 Cirrhosis Bx
2014 12 week Sov/Oly relapse
10/14 fibroscan 27 PLT 96
2014 24 weeks Harvoni 15 weeks Riba
5/4/15 EOT not detected, ALT 21, AST 20
4 week post not detected, ALT 26, AST 28
12 week post NOT DETECTED (07/27/15)
ALT 29, AST 27 PLT 92
24 week post NOT DETECTED! (10/19/15)
44 weeks (3/11/16)  fibroscan 33, PLT 111, HCV NOT DETECTED!

Offline Karen1124

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Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2016, 08:53:30 am »
Hi Lynn and BillT,
Did you have a lot of side effects from Ribavirin? Why Ribavirin?

To you BillT finish your thoughts please.

Thank you both Karen
Geno 1a
VL 2 million
DX May 1 2014
Bio June 5 2014
moderate fibrosis
Start Harvoni 2/5/2015
EOT 4/1/2015
 7/22/2014 alt 186 12/30  64  3/5/15  39
7/22/14  ast 114    12/30.  41  3/5/15  27
Don't know how I got hep C in my 20s I did snort coke a few times.
3/5/15 undetected
4/2/15 less than 15 VL ferrin levels normal
4/9/15 undetected!!
6/24/15 relapse VL 424,000
7/26/16 Started treatment today Harvoni and Ribavirin 24 weeks

Offline BillT

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Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2016, 10:18:29 am »
I was under the impression that you couldn't treat with the Harvoni or Viekira again if you relapsed on it Karen.Obviously you can.
Contracted 1973 Military
Diagnosed 1980
Pegintron treatment 2004 unsucessful
Genotype 1b
FibroScan 10 (F2)
Start Viekira 10.17.2015

AST 40 ALT 69
VL 440k
10.31.2015/Week 2 Labs : AST 14/ALT 17
No VL done
10.14.2015/Week 4 labs : AST 14/ALT 14
12.11.2015/Week 8 Labs : AST 12/ALT 13
No VL done
01.05.2016/EOT labs : AST 15/ALT 13



Fibroscan 6Mo. Post Treatment 7.15.2016-5.3(F1)

Offline Karen1124

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Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2016, 10:57:51 am »
Hi BillT,
I had to have a resistance test I am not resistance so I can retreat.
Geno 1a
VL 2 million
DX May 1 2014
Bio June 5 2014
moderate fibrosis
Start Harvoni 2/5/2015
EOT 4/1/2015
 7/22/2014 alt 186 12/30  64  3/5/15  39
7/22/14  ast 114    12/30.  41  3/5/15  27
Don't know how I got hep C in my 20s I did snort coke a few times.
3/5/15 undetected
4/2/15 less than 15 VL ferrin levels normal
4/9/15 undetected!!
6/24/15 relapse VL 424,000
7/26/16 Started treatment today Harvoni and Ribavirin 24 weeks

Offline BillT

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Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2016, 11:10:02 am »
Thanks for clearing that up for me Karen.
Contracted 1973 Military
Diagnosed 1980
Pegintron treatment 2004 unsucessful
Genotype 1b
FibroScan 10 (F2)
Start Viekira 10.17.2015

AST 40 ALT 69
VL 440k
10.31.2015/Week 2 Labs : AST 14/ALT 17
No VL done
10.14.2015/Week 4 labs : AST 14/ALT 14
12.11.2015/Week 8 Labs : AST 12/ALT 13
No VL done
01.05.2016/EOT labs : AST 15/ALT 13



Fibroscan 6Mo. Post Treatment 7.15.2016-5.3(F1)

Offline AussieRosa

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  • Posts: 226
Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2016, 11:45:37 am »
Best of luck this time round, Karen.
Gt 1a
contracted 1983
Fibroscan 6.1
Treatment naive
VL 2.97M
ALT 38
AST 47
Started Viekira Pak + Ribavirin Tues 19th Jan 2016
Week 4: VL Undetected!
March 5th Ribavirin dose reduction to 800mg from 1000mg
EOT April 11th 2016. VL Not Detected
12 Weeks post EOT: SVR12. Cured with a capital C!!
6 months post EOT: Undetected :-)

Offline Karen1124

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  • Posts: 76
Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2016, 12:19:13 pm »
Thank you AssieRosa! I see you are cured!! Congrats! How bad was ribavirin? That is what worries me this time around. Karen
Geno 1a
VL 2 million
DX May 1 2014
Bio June 5 2014
moderate fibrosis
Start Harvoni 2/5/2015
EOT 4/1/2015
 7/22/2014 alt 186 12/30  64  3/5/15  39
7/22/14  ast 114    12/30.  41  3/5/15  27
Don't know how I got hep C in my 20s I did snort coke a few times.
3/5/15 undetected
4/2/15 less than 15 VL ferrin levels normal
4/9/15 undetected!!
6/24/15 relapse VL 424,000
7/26/16 Started treatment today Harvoni and Ribavirin 24 weeks

Offline Lynn K

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Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2016, 01:17:51 pm »
Hi Karen
I was also nervous about the riba as I had been on riba 2 times before with interferon  I was checked every week to monitor for ribavirin induced anemia which I did develop fairly quickly and had to dose reduce from 1200 to 1000 mg. My HGB count fell to below 10 and that s the lowest my doctor wanted to see it at but after it was reduced it returned to above 10 and stayed there so we tested my HGB count monthly after that.

I did feel pretty run down and a little bit winded on stairs at times but I did not miss any work and even went on a shout trip to Italy for work did a walking the of the Vatican and huffing and puffing to keep up. I was so glad when treatment was done and my HGB did rebound to normal in 10 days post.

Why riba? well for me as a multiple treatment failure with cirrhosis and especially because  had relapsed after taking Sovaldi and Olysio I needed desperately to be cured for one and also taking riba does help beat the virus even if only by a percent or two and I needed the best shot at being cured.

Best to you
« Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 01:19:47 pm by Lynn K »
Genotype 1a
1978 contracted, 1990 Dx
1995 Intron A failed
2001 Interferon Riba null response
2003 Pegintron Riba trial med null response
2008 F4 Cirrhosis Bx
2014 12 week Sov/Oly relapse
10/14 fibroscan 27 PLT 96
2014 24 weeks Harvoni 15 weeks Riba
5/4/15 EOT not detected, ALT 21, AST 20
4 week post not detected, ALT 26, AST 28
12 week post NOT DETECTED (07/27/15)
ALT 29, AST 27 PLT 92
24 week post NOT DETECTED! (10/19/15)
44 weeks (3/11/16)  fibroscan 33, PLT 111, HCV NOT DETECTED!

Offline Karen1124

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  • Posts: 76
Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2016, 02:34:52 pm »
Hi Lynn,

Thank you for you response! I am just going to take it one day at a time, just like I am with quitting smoking. I quit the day before I started treatment! I don't know if that was smart or not. I hate Hep C and Hate smoking so I'm hoping to get rid of both.
Thanks again and congrats to you on being CURED!! Wishing you the best! Karen
Geno 1a
VL 2 million
DX May 1 2014
Bio June 5 2014
moderate fibrosis
Start Harvoni 2/5/2015
EOT 4/1/2015
 7/22/2014 alt 186 12/30  64  3/5/15  39
7/22/14  ast 114    12/30.  41  3/5/15  27
Don't know how I got hep C in my 20s I did snort coke a few times.
3/5/15 undetected
4/2/15 less than 15 VL ferrin levels normal
4/9/15 undetected!!
6/24/15 relapse VL 424,000
7/26/16 Started treatment today Harvoni and Ribavirin 24 weeks

Offline AussieRosa

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  • Posts: 226
Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2016, 10:57:47 am »
Hi, Karen.
Riba was an annoyance. I wouldn't say it was difficult, although it caused a dormant helicobacter pylori stomach infection to flare up, and that was difficult. Also the sides are still not over. I'm still losing hair in clumps. However, I would do it all over again to be free of the virus. So please don't let my experience with it put you off.
Gt 1a
contracted 1983
Fibroscan 6.1
Treatment naive
VL 2.97M
ALT 38
AST 47
Started Viekira Pak + Ribavirin Tues 19th Jan 2016
Week 4: VL Undetected!
March 5th Ribavirin dose reduction to 800mg from 1000mg
EOT April 11th 2016. VL Not Detected
12 Weeks post EOT: SVR12. Cured with a capital C!!
6 months post EOT: Undetected :-)

Offline Karen1124

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  • Posts: 76
Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2016, 12:18:43 pm »
Hi AussieRosa,

I was just looking at wigs online when I seen you had responded to my post! I knew it was a side effect and when I did 8 weeks of Harvoni my hair thinned. So I am trying to be prepared for that. This is only my 4th the day no sides yet of course, from what I've read the sides start around week 2. Thank you for your response. Congrats to you on The big C that is the goal!! Karen
Geno 1a
VL 2 million
DX May 1 2014
Bio June 5 2014
moderate fibrosis
Start Harvoni 2/5/2015
EOT 4/1/2015
 7/22/2014 alt 186 12/30  64  3/5/15  39
7/22/14  ast 114    12/30.  41  3/5/15  27
Don't know how I got hep C in my 20s I did snort coke a few times.
3/5/15 undetected
4/2/15 less than 15 VL ferrin levels normal
4/9/15 undetected!!
6/24/15 relapse VL 424,000
7/26/16 Started treatment today Harvoni and Ribavirin 24 weeks

Offline AussieRosa

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  • Posts: 226
Re: 24Weeks of Harvoni and Ribavirin
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2016, 04:41:21 am »
Thanks, Karen. I'm sure you'll reach SVR this time too. I didn't start losing hair until near the end of treatment. It is a riba thing and you're unlikely to experience that. You're much more likely to get some anemia, but that is manageable. I'm sure you'll be successful, and it's not very long in the scheme of things. Wishing you a smooth, easy and successful treatment. Please keep us updated on how you go.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 04:43:47 am by AussieRosa »
Gt 1a
contracted 1983
Fibroscan 6.1
Treatment naive
VL 2.97M
ALT 38
AST 47
Started Viekira Pak + Ribavirin Tues 19th Jan 2016
Week 4: VL Undetected!
March 5th Ribavirin dose reduction to 800mg from 1000mg
EOT April 11th 2016. VL Not Detected
12 Weeks post EOT: SVR12. Cured with a capital C!!
6 months post EOT: Undetected :-)


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