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Author Topic: Tested NEGATIVE in October 2012, four month later tested POSITIVE. How?  (Read 10422 times)

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Offline annafraser

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I am about to have my first child and I have never used drugs, let alone used needles - I have had a limited amount of sexual partners and I cannot wrap my mind around why I tested positive for this. Four months ago I tested negative. Last week tests indicated Im positive, signal to cut off 10.8 H... I was given additional testing to see if this is a false positive. My liver scores are completely in range, I show ZERO symptoms and I am very confused and heart broken. Can someone shed any light in that the test could very well be wrong.... I find out either Friday or Monday if I am in fact, positive or if its false. Ease my mind, some body!  :-[

Offline iana5252

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Re: Tested NEGATIVE in October 2012, four month later tested POSITIVE. How?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2013, 02:24:46 pm »
Hi Anna,

Sorry to hear about your positive test result. There is a possibility the test is wrong so I'd wait for the follow-up test before deciding on next steps.

It sounds like the antibody test came back positive (http://www.hepmag.com/articles/2512_18753.shtml). The next step is a PCR test to look for the virus in your blood.

If your positive result is confirmed, you should talk with your doctor to figure out the best next steps.

Good luck,


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