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Author Topic: Cured mild hep B.  (Read 24082 times)

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Offline skidzron

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Cured mild hep B.
« on: July 02, 2013, 04:37:28 pm »
Guys, lemme introduce first myself. I'm an emt-nurse. last October of 2012 i departed to Saudi Arabia to work as a nurse.  but before that in my pre-deployment medical exam, the result was Fit to work. (negative for hep B). when i took the medical exam in KSA, the found out that i was positive mild hep B confirmed by PCR. and then they sent me back to my country. i took a second opinion the result was (non reactive HBsAg, reactive HBcAb, reactive HBsAb). is it really possible that i was infected with that virus in a short time? am i cured to this disease? or is it possible that the result of the PCR was a hoax?

ff up question guys..

I'm currently banned in that state because of my Hep B record in their Ministry of Health Database. is there any chance that i could lift that ban? or any petition needed to be filed?

Offline iana5252

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Re: Cured mild hep B.
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2013, 05:03:12 pm »
Hi Skid,

Welcome to the forums.

It sounds like the infection likely took place more than six months ago and has been successfully controlled by the immune system.

Check out the chart on this page...

Offline skidzron

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Re: Cured mild hep B.
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2013, 01:21:18 am »

here are the dates maam.

August 2012 first result : Negative for hep B. (taken in our country)

October 2012 2nd result : Positive for Hep B. only Mild. (lab testing done in Saudi)

November 2012 3rd result : Positive for Hep B. Mild. (lab testing done in Saudi)

December 2012 4th result : Confirmed by PCR. Mild Hep B. (lab testing done in Saudi)

January 8, 2013 5th result : Negative for Hep B. (blood testing taken in our country)

all lab testing done in Saudi came from one hospital only..


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