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Author Topic: I read to much web md!  (Read 11918 times)

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Offline N530

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I read to much web md!
« on: October 14, 2013, 04:35:38 pm »
Thank you for reading!
Well here we go, I'm 21 healthy female no drug use, work in the medical field. Last week I went to the Dr for belly pain I have a history of ovarian cysts, but everything changed when the pain was up near my liver, I had bikes and bikes of blood drawn ultrasounds scheduled, not thinking of anything bad ( I had gone out drinking the night before) anything bad. The next day I was feeling so nauseous and tired I was unbearable I called the Dr because the ER sucks in my town. Well the Dr dropped the news on me I felt everything just crumble right there I had nobody at the time the one thing I couldn't stop thinking about was my boyfriend and what in gods creation was he going to say. I left the Dr and adeptly called my best friend were inseparable share everything (razors) and she had to get tested also, that night I told my boyfriend and the reaction I got at first was absolutely devastating he just looked at me like I had the plague, after hours of crying and asking questions we came to a common ground that we were going to get thru this. The following day were extremely hard with the constant blood work my primary doc not knowing much about it, finding a specialist and trying to get in ASAP, my problem was I was constantly on line looking up cures, if I was going to die, all I think about is the what ifs and how's and I'm dying and my mind races I'm so scared I dont see the specialist until nov 7. My best friend had her blood test and it said she has hep c but she's undetectable she is also going to see a specialist. If anyone has advise ill gladly take it, here's a little info for people oh know more than I right now: my latest blood work said my viral load was 7million my ultrasound showed a normal looking liver and other organs if that helps any :/ thank you for taking the time to read my babbling ;)

Offline lporterrn

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Re: I read to much web md!
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2013, 05:13:21 pm »
Hi -
It feels weird to welcome you to this forum, since this isn't exactly a social event, but I commend your bravery. Given your age and gender, it is extremely unlikely that you are dying, although I base that on statistics and nothing else. Hep C tends to progress very slowly, esp in young women. And although this isn't a very consoling thing to say, even people who are in advanced stages take a long time to get to end stages, which gives them loads of time to get help. Nov 7 may seem like an eternity, but in the liver world, you have gobs of time.

The good news is that there is better and better treatment and hep C is curable.

The best thing you can do is what you are doing - get facts and try to regain control over your life. It may feel like the rug is pulled out from under you. It takes time to put in new carpeting.
A couple of thoughts I have:
1) You mentioned other issues which may be risk factors: you work in the medical field and based on your age, I am wondering if your mother was born between 1945 thru 1965? If so, she should be tested.
2) Do you know if there is a possibility of this being a new infection? How high is your ALT? This is important to know since if it is a new infection you could still clear it on your own, and the treatment for an acute infection is different than a chronic one.
3) I assume you know to lay off the alcohol for now - it is like putting miracle grow on your liver. Are you a normal weight for your size? This is important too.

It gets better. One thing that helps with racing thoughts is to try to limit them. I do not allow racing thoughts into my bedroom or in the car. Sounds silly, but it was how I learned to protect myself from my own fears.
Keep in touch.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline Elijah

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Re: I read to much web md!
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2013, 03:49:03 pm »
It gets better. One thing that helps with racing thoughts is to try to limit them. I do not allow racing thoughts into my bedroom or in the car. Sounds silly, but it was how I learned to protect myself from my own fears.
Keep in touch.

I agree 100 %

Offline N530

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Re: I read to much web md!
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2013, 10:18:59 am »
Update!! My gastroenterologist called this morning and said I have blood work for February to see if the virus has cleared it's self, my case is an acute case my viral load has dramatically gone down along with my ast and alt so far there is no need for treatment, it's now just a waiting game, I have positive thoughts and I'm a lot less worried about it just trying to be healthy and and go on with life! And thank you for the people who posted and I wanted to come back on but needed to give my Racing mind a rest, I'm now at ease with everything and don't look like a crazy lady pulling her hair out!

Offline jberlin

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Re: I read to much web md!
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2013, 01:58:14 am »
Good luck, and let us know.  Stay away from alcohol.  I lived (a normal, working, father type life) for 36 years with Hep C, in the beginning with no treatment options and now cure rates are approaching 90%. -jack


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