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Author Topic: Confused to wait or Tx !!  (Read 8971 times)

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Offline sah

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Confused to wait or Tx !!
« on: March 18, 2015, 10:37:39 am »
Dear all , a very good day to you all and i hope that my message finds you all in better health and spirit this morning . 

I am 43 y / Male and live in New Delhi , India , I was Infected and diagnosed with Hcv geno 1a in the beginning of 2007 . 

I went through 23 weeks of soc ( inf + riba ) and has to be taken off due to  massive side effects of the two drugs which nearly or actually did cripple me  . 

I was originally going to be treated for 48 weeks tho . 

I did clear the virus on the 12th week of tx and stayed clear till the 23rd week while under tx , but relapsed 3 weeks after stopping . 

It has now been nearly 8 years since my tx and i do still have the virus , i did get a liver biopsy in early 2011 and my results showed Fibrosis as " 0-1 " with no other problems .

I have followed up with a recent Viral Load test with a result of 16 Million ++ and a Fibrosure Fibroscan with a result of F1 Fibrosis .

Also to mention that my Ast And Alt are Always High , Currently ALT & AST 120 / 80  .

Now after the all this i would like to get your advise and suggestions on the following Please .

Gilead had partnered up with 7 Indian companies in September last year to manufacture Generic sovaldi in India 

Yesterday Sovaldi was launched in India at a cost of Indian Rupees ( approx 20.000 / about $300 for 28 tablets  ) and it is now readily available over the shelf with a Docs prescription . I have already spoken to the company representative and he said i could get it as early as in 1 day if i wanted . 

i will post the link of the launch below . 

Question is , should i do sofosbuvir + inf and weight based riba for 3 months now and get this done and over with OR wait for the launch of Harvoni in India which would be in about 6 months - 1 years time . . and would probably be the same price as what it would cost me for doing the current riba + Sof + inf tx .. 

So really the cost matter now is not an issue as i can thankfully and by the grace of God afford the meds . 

Also i would like to mention that i did meet my doc about a month ago and he prescribed for me Sof + 1200 mg Riba for 3 months and wrote in Brackets ( can be extended to 6 months .  ) 

I asked him if i could do riba + sof + inf for 3 months and he outright said NO !!! i dont know why tho !! 

so to summarize my confused + excited + anxious brain , what should i do !! 

1) Geno 1A 
2) 43 Yrs 
3) Viral load as per last test was 16 million + 
4) fibrosis stage 1 
5) ALT & AST 120 / 80 

A) Riba and inf and sofosbuvir for 3 months 
B) Riba + Sofosbuvir for 6 months . 
C) Riba + Sofosbuvir + Inf For 3 months and then maybe another month of only Sofosbuvir and Riba !!! 

I know i am Utterly confused and anxious Atm and maybe be coming across as a complete Jack #### , but i really need to be guided in the right direction and need a hand on my shoulder showing me / guiding me in the right direction . .. 

I hope you all will please bear with me and suggest a way forward . 
My best wishes to you all . 
God bless and warm regards ..   


Offline Mike

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Re: Confused to wait or Tx !!
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 01:58:41 pm »
Hi Sah,

I was treated with Sovaldi+INTF+RIBV x 12 weeks, and it did the trick.

I. too, had a previous treatment with INTF+RIBV, which didn't work for me (I also stopped early due to the side effects).

Because of that experience, I was hesitant to start another course of treatment that included INTF+RIBV; but I'm glad I did, because adding the Sovaldi made all the difference.

In your case, you could wait for the Harvoni to be released, as it seems to be well tolerated. Either way, your chance of a cure have increased 100 fold. I guess the question is: Do you want to start treatment now or wait an additional 6 months for Harvoni.

It's your call, but I would probably wait the 6 months, and, if Harvoni is not available at that time, you could start SOL+INTF+RIBV, which statistically will give you about the same chance for a cure.

Best wishes, Mike
Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014

Offline sah

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Re: Confused to wait or Tx !!
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2015, 05:47:11 am »
Dear Mike sir , a very good day to you and thank you for your input and kind suggestion .

yes sir , in all honestly Interferon scares me ): , i was in a baddddd shape after 23 weeks of it and Riba last time and i think it took my body a Long time to get it and its effects out of my system .

I am due for a Routine  fibroscan / Fibrosure test in the second week of april and will also be getting my Viral Load test and liver Ultra sound done .

If all is well and under control i will hold off tx for the moment and wait till Harvoni is available here .

I shall keep everyone updated of my reports around the 2nd week of april .
My best wishes to all the members here , to you Mike sir and your family .
God bless and warm regards .

Offline Mike

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Re: Confused to wait or Tx !!
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 07:18:23 am »
Hi Sah,

That makes sense, and waiting a few months for the Harvoni will make treatment a lot easier.

Best to you and your family,

Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014


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Re: Confused to wait or Tx !!
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2015, 03:08:09 pm »
If you can wait for Harvoni to be available in India at an affordable cost Id wait. Even at  a year time my experience with Harvoni (2 weeks now0 is basically no side effects, light headache , light neausea, fatigue for first few days and now really nothing to complain about
* Contracted Hep C 1971 post transfusion (non A - non
   B Hep dx in 1971)
* Dx as Hep C early 2000
* Geno 1b
* Stage 3-4 Fibrosis by Biopsy and FibroScan
* VL at start of TX > 6 mil
* ALT/AST High normal range at start of Tx 
* Started Harvoni 12 week course 3/6/15 -
   completion 5/29/15
* Undetected at 6 weeks on Tx
* ALT/AST Mid normal range at 6 week blood test
* Completed 12 weeks (84 pills) 6/28/15
* Undetected at 11 weeks & 6 months EOT


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