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Author Topic: 03 05 15 Starting Harvoni Today  (Read 6821 times)

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Offline skycatcher

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03 05 15 Starting Harvoni Today
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:07:05 am »
 Good Morning to All!

I have just taken my first Harvoni tab this morning.  My partner did a drum roll...
I am excited by the possibilities of my life without HCV.

    ~    skycatcher

Offline Islandgirl

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  • Started Harvoni 12/3/14 - EOT 2/25/15
Re: 03 05 15 Starting Harvoni Today
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2015, 05:18:34 pm »
Welcome skycatcher (love your name)!

You've taken an exciting step, and certainly worthy of a drum roll :) 

I've completed 12 wk treatment and in the long wait period moving toward final testing later this month and again in September. 

I hope your path will be smooth and your side effects few.  Unless you have a health issue that prevents it, drinking LOTS of water will resolve most anything and certainly help flush those Hep C demons out of your body.  Even now, drinking more water seems to be key to feeling better.

 Best wishes ....Islandgirl 8)
1b, treatment naive, positive for Hep C since 1994; thought to be transmitted via blood transfusions in 1976
Started Harvoni 12/3/14, EOT 2/25/15
12/31/14 labs - Virus Undetected, ALT/18, AST/34
3/25/15 labs - 1 mo post 12 wk Harvoni TX Virus Undetected!!  :) ....Islandgirl

Offline skycatcher

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Re: 03 05 15 Starting Harvoni Today
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2015, 01:49:38 pm »
Thanks Island Girl! -- great name  all I can think of is tropical breezy beaches.  Good choice.
Day 2 everything is just going on along.  Feel a little different but nothing to squawk about.  Mainly I feel exhilarated at the possibility of being HCV free and regaining my energy.
I agree water is so-o-o important -- more so now than ever.  Hydrating is my middle name now. I have been a big fan of H2O for long, long time but I have renewed my love of this pure thing.
Where I live I believe the water has too much sodium in it and a high mineral content but a resourceful fellow put in these water purification stands.  It uses osmosis filtration of the municipal water supply. So the majority of my water is this plus bottled H2O that I go and fill. A really great thing to have here.

I have had HCV probably since 1971 so I am really looking forward to a life where perhaps I will have more energy and maybe some to spare.

Sounds like things are going really well for you.  Has your energy level increased post treatment?

      Later  ~   Skycatcher


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