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Author Topic: Harvoni: Used heating pad, and now I have burned, blistered skin  (Read 11686 times)

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Offline MikeHaynes

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Hi All,

I am on my sixth week of Harvoni, and I pulled my back out today.  So, as usual, I placed my normal heating pad on my lower back (over two heavy shirts) while I, as usual, controlled the heat manually from Warm to High (changing the settings depending on felt temperature). 

After a few hours my lower back started to feel very painful, so I took off the heating pad, and noticed that I now have burnt red skin, broken and forming blisters, and a lot of pain.

Does Harvoni make a person extra sensitive to heat?  This is kind of weird...
Non-A Non-B (HCV) since 1978
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Offline Sam1224

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Re: Harvoni: Used heating pad, and now I have burned, blistered skin
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2015, 12:01:59 am »
Not I.

Offline Ruthie

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Re: Harvoni: Used heating pad, and now I have burned, blistered skin
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2015, 12:45:31 am »
It hasn't for me and I use my heating pad a lot.

It sounds like you're having a photosensitive reaction to something. It could be Harvoni, another med, or even lotion. I've had it before to an oral medication, a steroid cream, and a lotion. My dermatologist said not to use any lotion that has citrus in it, especially orange, as it will cause it.

It's probably best if you talk to your doctor about it. In the meantime, lots of aloe and ibuprofen or Tylenol for pain. I know that's painful. I hope you can get over it soon!

Offline MikeHaynes

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Harvoni SIDE EFFECT: burned, blistered skin [VERY GROSS PHOTO]
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2015, 06:11:38 pm »
Thanks Ruthie, but I don't use any lotions, nor have a had any changes in my other meds.

Here is a picture (not pleasant, I know) for those who may not understand what this all looks like:

Non-A Non-B (HCV) since 1978
2 Needle biopsies
2 Failed Interferon treatments

Offline Ruthie

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Re: Harvoni: Used heating pad, and now I have burned, blistered skin
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2015, 06:50:24 pm »
If Harvoni is your only new med and no lotions, then it's got to be the Harvoni. Jeeze, that hurts bad. I know, it hurts BAD.

Please tell your Dr and Gilead.

Offline Ruthie

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Re: Harvoni: Used heating pad, and now I have burned, blistered skin
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2015, 06:56:12 pm »
Also, you're going to have to be extra careful in the sun. Cover your entire body in strong sunscreen and thick clothing. And wear a wide brimmed hat. It makes quite the fashion statement LOL


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