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Author Topic: Not Taking Any Chances  (Read 6143 times)

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Offline Victori

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Not Taking Any Chances
« on: April 11, 2015, 07:07:15 pm »
Hi Y'all,
This is such an amazing forum (but I always end up crying while I'm here - joy, fear, sympathy, gratitude all well up - this is a very emotional thing we're all experiencing together)! I'm certainly going to give my Dr. this address and tell him how everyone here is supporting and encouraging each other, so he can tell his other patients about it. God bless you all! I particularly appreciated the recent posts concerning not getting discouraged at the end of treatment - sometimes even weeks later the big UD (undetected) does still happen.
I just have 5 more pills to take to finish my 8-week treatment of Harvoni. It's gone by really fast but it has not been easy.
I'm not used to feeling sick, although that has subsided quite a bit, but boy have I been weak. Especially these last few days, I run out of steam quickly and my legs actually feel like molten lead - can barely walk, so my bed is a very welcome respite. I thank God I am retired and my husband has been so cooperative in taking care of himself, so I can just rest and read and pray and drink water  ::) .
I already wrote about replacing my toothbrush and razor. Now I've thrown away all my lipsticks and lip balms. Also got rid of used water bottles in the fridge or thoroughly bleached and washed expensive reusable ones.
This is too good an opportunity to waste on any chance of reinfection - I doubt my prescription drug insurance will go another $63,000 for a long while to come!
Hoping and praying the very best outcome for each and every one of you.
"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul." 
3 John 1:2

Offline GLCII

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Re: Not Taking Any Chances
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2015, 12:13:34 pm »
Hi Victori

By my count, you have 3 pills left after today. Good Job!!! Being sick isn't the easiest of things. Just think though, by this time next week, your life will be back to normal. How cool is that?
 I did as you did. I tossed my toothbrush & razors. Infact I just went to the dollar store yesterday and reuped my toothbrushes & razors. I bought four more packs, of 3, Reach tootbrushes and two packs, of 4, disposable razors. I'm not going to lie, I miss my my Gillette Pro Glide Razor, not the price of the blades though and am not a fan of disposable razors. It does give me peace of mind though that I did get rid of what could have reinfected me the last three times I treated. Small price to pay.

I'm glad it's almost over for you and you Hang In There. All that's left for you to do now is turn out the lights and close the door and you're Done!!!  Good Job!
Pre Tx (VL 12043488) ALT 52/ AST 39
Harvoni Start Date 03/12
2 Week in Tx Results HCV RNA Detected, less than 15 IU/mL. ALT 19 / AST 19
4 Weeks in Tx Results HCV RNA Not detected. ALT 21 / AST 18
12 Week in Tx Results HCV RNA Not detected. ALT 17 / AST 19
Post 12 Week EOT Tx ALT 19/ AST 19 (Undetected)
Post 24 Week EOT Tx ALT 19/ AST 15 (Undetected)

Offline Victori

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Re: Not Taking Any Chances
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2015, 07:43:09 pm »
Pray, pray, praying for you GLCII!
"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul." 
3 John 1:2


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