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Author Topic: UND at Week 14 of 24 on Harvoni  (Read 6778 times)

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Offline Corey

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UND at Week 14 of 24 on Harvoni
« on: June 18, 2015, 07:54:01 am »
Just reporting in some more Harvoni experience and adding another result to the forum "data base".  I really have had no side effects to speak of.  I treated before and was the "canary in the coal mine" when it came to side effects from peg-int, riba and Incivek.  My minor headaches mean that I probably didn't drink enough water.   I am eating normally which for me is generally healthy, lots of fruit, veg, meat but nothing fried...that bothers me w/o Harvoni

Started with VL >6.5
Geno 1a
diagnosed 2000. Probably infect in mid 70's from blood products during surgery
Treated unsuccessfully twice.
VL at wk 6 was present but BDL
VL week 14 was UND

Liver enzymes are the lowest that I've seen in a while and white cell profiles are back to normal.  Platelets are loooking much better as well.

Best health to all

Offline Lee

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Re: UND at Week 14 of 24 on Harvoni
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2015, 12:57:16 pm »
Infected mid-1970's
Diagnosed 2013
Viral load prior to treatment: 6.6 million
Genotype: 1a
Started Harvoni: 4/20/15
Four week viral load: <20 too low to quantify
Eight week viral load: undetected

Offline Jeffry1970

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Re: UND at Week 14 of 24 on Harvoni
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2015, 08:03:45 pm »
Corey that's fantastic! Hope I have similar results

Offline Gittin Cured

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Re: UND at Week 14 of 24 on Harvoni
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2015, 03:16:25 pm »
Congrats Corey,

I was checking in for someone else on the 24 week cycle, not many folks are.  Like you I am UND, but at 8 weeks, my first test, have had little to no side effects until recently, not bad, but feeling much more fatigued than earlier in the treatment cycle, started at about 10 weeks and has been a stead, worn out feeling since along with some minor sleeping troubles and feel like I have a cold all the time.  Just finished week 11 today, 13 more to go.  Hopefully, like every other little oddity of Harvoni. this will pass shortly and I can get back to light workouts and normal sleeping.

Best of luck to you on your adventure in getting well.
Diagnosed October 2006, contracted approx. 1972
1st treatment PEG Interferon and Riba Feb 2007 FAIL
2nd Treatment PEG Interferon and Riba April 2009
Relapsed from second round
Start Harvoni April 2015
Geno Type 1b, current viral load - 8.3MM

Harvoni - finished 8 wks, HCV und, AST, ALT, GGT all in range, very exciting!  First time in 40 years!


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