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Author Topic: Kratom  (Read 15426 times)

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Offline amell

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« on: March 10, 2016, 04:07:51 pm »
There seems to be a lot of phony debate about kratom these days and some states have already outlawed it.
If you're unfamiliar with what kratom does it helps people to stop opiate withdraw symptoms dead in its tracks..  It may be somewhat addictive, maybe not, but it does stop the cravings and withdraw symptoms.

My history with opiates is pretty ugly. I was a heroin addict and was in methadone treatment for it for some time. It's how I got Hep C, shooting heroin with dirty needles.

So i was clean for several years, but low and behold I injured myself, first my neck _crunched up disc then nearly cut off my finger with a table saw so I ended up right back on the opiate merry-go-round . When I was done with the pain killers I was going through withdraw which as many of you know is NO FUN. I was considering going back to treatment, but then my gf found a link online to kratom . At first I was very skeptical having tried nearly everything to ease withdraw symptoms, but decided to give it a shot. I went to the local head shop and paid way to much for a small jar of dried kratom leaves and amazingly it killed the withdraw symptoms right away and within days I was able to stop using opiates altogether without the nasty feeling of withdraw.
Now I must admit that I like the feeling that opiates give me. I'd be lying to say otherwise, but the withdraw is quite a different ball of wax..
Kratom works because it mimics the effects of actual opiates because of the alkaloids contained in it, but do a bit of digging if you want to learn more.
Some people think that the only way to successfully stop using opiates is through a certified treatment regiment, but I disagree. I've been in treatment for years and the best I can say about most is they beat having to go to the streets for the drugs, but many treatment programs will gladly kick you to the curb and back to using for not following every arbitrary rule they just make up.
I'd much rather be able to treat my own problems safely at home without having to bare my soul to someone in a clinic with a certificate of completion at some accredited or not treatment school. The last "counselor" i had to deal with before finally getting out of treatment was only qualified as a prison guard and had absolutely no background with using heroin or any other drugs that I know of..

Well, anyway before my rant gets out of hand if you're currently having to deal with opiate withdraw or know someone who is you should at least check out the possibility of using kratom as the alternative to up to several years of nonsense at a treatment facility..

I purchased it from kratomparadise.com and now keep it on hand just in case I do run into the same problems of opiate addiction and i know from personal experience that kratom while it tastes horrible definitely works to stop the symptoms of opiate withdraw.

Tell me your views and opinions on the subject of kratom and whether it should or shouldn't be legal..  Personally I oppose the prohibition of most substances and think people should be allowed to decide for themselves.


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