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Author Topic: Raspy voice as well as cough on Ribavirin?  (Read 5617 times)

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Offline dragonslayerinprogress

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Raspy voice as well as cough on Ribavirin?
« on: March 02, 2016, 07:04:00 pm »
Starting my 7th week. Still have not gotten results on VL. First one was coded wrong. By the time I found out, I only had a week or two until next test which got done on Monday.
I have had the flu for 3 weeks with horrible chest cold and head cold moving in and out but all that's left now is a cough.
I have noticed that my voice is also raspy. I know that this could be a side effect to the drug. Anyone else experience it and if so, does it go away after treatment?
Geno 2b
dx in 1990, 52 years old
Origin: unsure. Might have been infected at birth
Tx Naive
Pre tx labs 12/7/15
VL 1,315,890 6.119
ALT 188
AST 161
Started tx Solvadi/Ribavirin on 1/19/16
4 weeks undetected
8 weeks undetected
12 weeks undetected
16 weeks undetected
20 weeks undetected
24 weeks...no testing
ALT 34
AST 42
ALT 38
AST 50
Platelets 49

Offline KimInTheForest

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Re: Raspy voice as well as cough on Ribavirin?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2016, 09:36:30 pm »
Hi dragonslayerinprogress. Congrats on reaching week 7! A dry cough is a very typical side effect of ribavirin, and it does go away once treatment ends. I have read that ribavirin "enhances cough reflex stimulation". So even inhaling or taking a bite of food can trigger the dry cough. The cough was my most annoying side effect, although it did no actual damage. But it made it very hard for me to converse with people.

good luck!

Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC)
1970s: Contracted HCV (genotype 3a)
2015: Cured with Harvoni + ribavirin (12 weeks)
MY STORY: https://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/undetectable-my-hep-c-story/

Offline dragonslayerinprogress

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Re: Raspy voice as well as cough on Ribavirin?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2016, 03:19:27 am »
Thanks Kim. Blood work is slowly coming in. ALT is within normalcrange, AST is slightly elevated at 47 if I remember right. Bilirubin is down from 1.9 at start to 1.4. Inr is 1.3. Albumin will not budge and has been 3.1 all along. Platelets have gone from 58 to 47, to 57, and now 59,000. The cough is the worst by far and the treatment so far has been fairly easy. Wish I started this in April but needed support from family. No one wants to do it alone. How wrong I was. I am still doing it alone with a part time husband that won't help, yells when dinner isn't made or if it's started late. Sita in front of idiot box all day. Thank God he is only here Saturday and Sunday but he's  normally gone golfing or 4 wheelING with his Co workers. First thing is get me healthy, 2nd...find me a lawyer :-)
Geno 2b
dx in 1990, 52 years old
Origin: unsure. Might have been infected at birth
Tx Naive
Pre tx labs 12/7/15
VL 1,315,890 6.119
ALT 188
AST 161
Started tx Solvadi/Ribavirin on 1/19/16
4 weeks undetected
8 weeks undetected
12 weeks undetected
16 weeks undetected
20 weeks undetected
24 weeks...no testing
ALT 34
AST 42
ALT 38
AST 50
Platelets 49


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