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Author Topic: FixHepC & REDEMTPTION: Affordable & Reliable HCV Treatment  (Read 9350 times)

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Offline Coach Mike

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FixHepC & REDEMTPTION: Affordable & Reliable HCV Treatment
« on: June 12, 2016, 05:35:06 am »
A recent FixHepC post from Hazel, one of the "charter" members at FHC:

So much has happened, both to me and in the world in the past few months and I have learned so much, that it is useful for me to revisit how uninformed I was last September. When I arrived at this website I was really in a hurry, I had no interest in shopping or sitting back for a while and watching before I made a decision- I needed the meds ASAP and, pre- Redemption Trial, was very happy to be able to have an appointment/prescription with GP2U and to fly to Australia to collect through Buyers Club. The rest is history, and I now am regularly asked for advice on sourcing medication.

It must be confusing to new people who come here, because it is so fair and open, the Pharma’s Market is there, we know everyone is reliable, all the drugs work, and it must seem to those arriving here that there is not much difference. To really conquer HCV worldwide there has to be lots of participants and suppliers, and to stand up to Gilead there needs to be strength in numbers.

But there is a difference. Without fixhepc there would be no Pharma’s Market, no forum, no advice, no place to put all the news and information. Information! The massive content resource we have here, has been put there for us to learn from and add to.

Then comes Redemption Trial. To me it is the perfect model, with all the safety checks and balances that would reassure me, if I was starting again. The smooth ordering, medical support, FDA approval, door to door delivery and money back if not delivered. Ethically gathering all that important data and powerfully using that to really open up the world to the possibilities of generics. If I was conceptualising what the best possible way is to get generics to people, this would be it. If I was a doctor, nothing less than this model would satisfy me if prescribing.

Objectively, the fixhepc/Redemption Trial pathway to sourcing generics is the one that has provided a huge umbrella of credibility to all the other paths, particularly with the EASL clinical trial data that is so important. Got to acknowledge the tireless work of Greg etc contributing to that and spreading the word, reaching us and getting the job done. But step by step, from prescription to final SVR, it is the total package of support and safety, the help through Monk Med, the media presence- this has all been provided to the highest level by Dr James Freeman and his team, it hasn’t just sprung into being.
So while I am excited to see the growth in such a short time, when people ask me, as they do: if, knowing what I do now, and needing to start treatment- what would I do- (whilst acknowledging first world privilege)- my answer is I would do Redemption Trial through fixhepc, no question.

Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24

Offline Coach Mike

  • Member
  • Posts: 292
    • Affordable Hepatitis C Treatment
« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 12:30:58 am by Coach Mike »
Genotype 1a, Biopsy:11/2014: F-1, Tx Naive
Fibrosure, 7/20/15: F-1-2
Pre tx v/l: 1,600,000, ALT: 75, AST: 48
Started generic sofosbuvir & ledipasvir: 10/23/15
4 wk labs: 11/19/15, ALT: 21, AST: 16, V/L:  UND
Started 8 week Harvoni tx: 11/20/15
8 wk labs, 12/15/15, ALT: 15, AST: 13, V/L: UND
4/11/16 12 week EOT-Undetected
7/5/16 SVR 24


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