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Author Topic: Itchy Ears.  (Read 7958 times)

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Offline sandrooney

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Itchy Ears.
« on: June 26, 2017, 07:40:00 am »
Anybody experience the inside their ears itching during treatment.
Viekira XR w/Ribavirin.

Offline CureSeeker

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Re: Itchy Ears.
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2017, 08:54:21 pm »
Nope, sadly, that was one side effect I missed out on, lol.

I can offer you a simple remedy to try however.  Dip a cotton swab into some clear sesame oil or coconut oil and move it around inside your ears. 

You can even slightly warm about 8 drops of sesame oil and let it stay inside your ear for a minute, then tilt your head to drain it out, and use the swab to clean up any mess left in your ear.  This is part of an Ayurveda morning ritual for starting your day - and not some stupidity I am just putting out there, simply because of some sick mischievous nature. :P

Either way, the oil should provide some relief; or, you will end up with very clean ears at the very least.

An otologist once recommended mineral oil with the swab to a relative of mine to help relieve a persistent wax build up problem.  So, if you don't have any sesame or coconut oil lying around the house, that is a medical specialists suggestion for oil.

I'm not sure why Ayurveda recommends sesame oil (not the dark brown from roasted seeds, but the light cold-pressed variety instead).  Coconut oil has an added benefit of being naturally antifungal and antimicrobial, and very nourishing.

Best wishes to you.  Something like that would be making me nuts! 
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

~ Arthur Conan Doyle

Genotype 3a, F 0-1
Sovaldi & Ribavirin x 24 weeks

2/23/16 - UNDETECTED!  SVR12 achieved.  :D
6/21/17 - UNDETECTED!  1.5 years post treatment.
July 2018 - UNDETECTED!

Offline sandrooney

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Re: Itchy Ears.
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2017, 05:16:49 am »
Thank you so much for the info.

Offline CureSeeker

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Re: Itchy Ears.
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2017, 06:09:40 am »
You are very welcome, sandrooney.  Feel free to bring anything you experience to the forum.  We all have common experiences with the virus and its treatments, as well as, uncommon experiences. 

I hope the remedy helps.  :)
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

~ Arthur Conan Doyle

Genotype 3a, F 0-1
Sovaldi & Ribavirin x 24 weeks

2/23/16 - UNDETECTED!  SVR12 achieved.  :D
6/21/17 - UNDETECTED!  1.5 years post treatment.
July 2018 - UNDETECTED!

Offline Mimi

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Re: Itchy Ears.
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2017, 06:19:32 pm »
hi, just read your post, i'm starting week 10 of viekira pak with ribavirin and too have itchy ears inside. they are itchy, sting a bit if i try to scratch with my finger and have white flaky skin inside. thought it was just me...

Offline sandrooney

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Re: Itchy Ears.
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2017, 06:31:01 am »
Hi Mimi,
Thanks for the response. I am starting week 8 with Viekira XR and Ribavirin. I have had the itchy ears for 2 or 3 weeks now. Same with the stinging and flaking (very annoying). Hope it goes away for the both of us.
I am having some shortness of breath, sometimes pretty bad, and a little anemic. I have been reading and shortness of breath seems to be common with this treatment. I do have a little asthma which I am sure doesn't help. The heat seems affect me as well. I am not complaining at all. It is a great treatment and my hep c was undetectable at week 4. I am grateful to AbbVie , they gave me the 12 week TX free of charge. Awesome people. I absolutely have no reason to complain.   

Offline Mimi

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Re: Itchy Ears.
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2017, 06:37:48 am »
Congratulations on the undetected results!  I was undetected at 8 weeks. I know we are very lucky to get this treatment but i think its ok to moan a bit about the side effects ...  ;)
I have bad shortness of breath too.
The side effects i got were the shortness of breath,  itchy/flaky ears, heart palpitations,  very tired at times, mood swings, and flaky skin also around my nose/ top of forehead.
Thank god i can sleep well, no insomnia, no rashes
Anyway, we are nearly done! YAY! It did go fast

Offline sandrooney

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Re: Itchy Ears.
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2017, 04:24:40 am »
Thanks Mimi and congrats on your undetectable results as well. We are on the downhill slope.


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