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Author Topic: Confusing mixed messages  (Read 11696 times)

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Offline unhappycamper

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Confusing mixed messages
« on: March 29, 2012, 11:20:13 am »
well i had a boipsy done about 9 months ago,dr.said i was in stage 1 cirrohsis,and he said with my liver enzymes always so high he was shocked i didn't already have liver cancer.then he turns around and says i'm not at the stage where they need to do any thing.the biopsy and blood work was done by a liver specialist at emory college.i was sent to them cause they said it was best place to go. so i'm wondering now after reading all this if i should listen to this dr.or see if i can find another one.i do have many other health issues,could it be because of them?

Offline Tim Horn

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Re: Confusing mixed messages
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 02:36:39 pm »

Well, that was a silly and unnecessarily frightening thing for your doctor to say -- that he was "shocked that you didn't have liver cancer." I hope you told him that his comment made you very worried and that it wasn't supportive.

Yes, it is very much your right to tell your doctor when he says something that is confusing and unhelpful.  If you do not think your doctor is treating you respectfully, it is also your right to find another doctor who takes time to explain things to you and doesn't give you mixed messages.

A fibrosis score of 1 is pretty good! While a score of 0 is the best -- it means no fibrosis -- a score of 1 suggests that some fibrosis was detected, but that it is mild. Scores of 2, 3 or 4 are more serious.

Do you know your HCV genotype (1a, 1b, 2, 3 or 4)? Do you know your IL-28B genotype (CC, CT, TT)? This is good information to know when figuring out whether you're in a good position to try treatment now or if you possibly wait. And the good thing about a fibrosis score of 1 is that you don't necessarily need to start treatment now.

That said, there are things you can do to help slow the progression of your liver disease: Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum (if you must drink at all) and be sure to keep your weight in check -- excess fat in and around the liver is another major cause of liver disease.

It is possible that some of your other health problems may be related to your hepatitis C. Because HCV is a chronic infection -- your immune system is constantly active to keep virus reproduction in check and to attack infected or diseased cells -- you may be experiencing some health problems that can be made worse by inflammation. Did you discuss these other health problems with the liver specialist at Emory? Did you ask if treatment -- even if your liver disease isn't severe -- might help these other problems?

Tim Horn 

Offline unhappycamper

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Re: Confusing mixed messages
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 02:05:53 am »
i'm not sure will have to check but i think he said my geno type was 2.he said it was the easiest to cure.the other i don't know.i guess i can call and find out.but ty for easing my mind a bit ,i thought any kind of cirrohsis was serious. as far as my other health issues ,yes they have alot to do with my liver problems.i am going to see a rheumotologist in may my dr. said i need to see one,maybe they can figure out a way to help me with my absorption problems.as of right now i have hepc,cirrohsis,arthritis,degenerative disc disease,fibro,osteoporosis,and osteomalacia.
i was tested for vit d,and they found out i have no vit d in my body,and everytime i try to take it orally i get extremely,sick ,tried the nose drops got very sick from them too.i live on trmadol right now cause the muscle and bone pain from the ostemalacia sometimes is so bad i am on the brink of insanity. i had one stupid dr. told me to go to tanning bed everyday for vitd.i am a red head very fair skinned ,my dad had skin cancer so i was like yeah whatever,cya .never went back to him.i am also lactose and wheat intolerant.it just seems like what ever is good for me one way is bad another way. i was just wondering if anyone with hep c is going thru all the stuff i am.and if so what did drs. do to help them.i'm grasping at straws here,lol.


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