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Author Topic: advice  (Read 9249 times)

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Offline phylllis

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« on: May 03, 2013, 05:11:09 pm »
I was recently tested postive for Hep C gen type 1B. My blood work looked great, liver biospy shows no damage and so Dr. said I was one of the fortunate ones. I went for more blood work because the previous Dr hadn't checked for viral load or to see if the virus was active. My dr says we have time to wait on the new drugs to come out. However, the new blood work is back and it shows the virus to be active and the nurse said my viral load was 6 which waas a little high so now I'm returning in 2 weeks to talk with Dr. I hate having to wait for answers but school is out in 2 more wees and I can't miss.  What do you all think the Dr will say that I still have time to wait on new drug? I'm praying that's the answer. Who may have some advice?

Offline jberlin

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Re: advice
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2013, 05:53:15 pm »
Phyllis, Sorry you joined our club!  :(   You most certainly can (and I think should) wait 12-24 months to see what good things come from the promising drug trials going on right now.  I contracted hep c in 1976, was treated in 2004, relapsed, had signs of liver damage in 2011 when I consulted at Duke about the new drug Incivek that had just come out, and was told to wait - I paraphrase:  "You are healthy and I am not worried about your liver in the next few years, but over the next decades, and there are so many promising drugs that are less than five years out I suggest you wait."  I decided to be treated in 2012 anyway, as I wanted to be done before I turn 60 - so I find out soon if that was a good idea.  But now the wait is less than two years, and you seem healthier than I was in 2011.  The current treatment for geno 1 (I am 1a) is now usually shorter at 24 weeks, and is over 80% effective if you complete treatment, but is a truly miserable 24 weeks - so if you can avoid interferon and perhaps get the treatment to 12 weeks - I say it is worth the wait.  Keep us informed and good luck!

Offline phylllis

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Re: advice
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2013, 09:22:27 pm »
Thank you so much for your advice. I feel as though that's what the Dr will tell me ,too. He had said earlier about the new drugs coming out to wait and let someone else drive the new car for a while. I was just hoping that being active didn't mean I needed to act quicker.


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