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Author Topic: new and confused  (Read 10455 times)

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Offline justahandd

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new and confused
« on: October 16, 2013, 12:49:05 pm »
Hi everybody. I'm new here and have never really participated in a board discussion but I have so many questions. I was diagnosed about a year ago and my doctor said my liver seems fine right now and we should wait on treatment. I have been an I've drug addict for years and I was diagnosed in my first few months of sobriety. I have been sober for about 15 months. I do not drink and I quit smoking about 8months ago. I have the most common type of hep c. I take one medication... suboxone. I dont know if anybody is familiar with suboxone but it is a medication used as opiate addiction maintenance. I have been on it since august2012. My doctor said it should not have an effect on my liver but I still worry. My doctor was very vague as far as any changes I should make to my lifestyle... he just said to avoid alcohol and Tylenol. I heard not to take vitamins? I want to take vitamins for my hair and nails which are so brital but I'm not sure if I am able to take biotin? I don't think I have any symptoms but I am tired and lacking energy most of the time. I don't know... I am just nervous. I am 23years old and in good health otherwise but I don't know anybody else who suffers from this and am looking for people to talk and get good advice. Thank you all!!

Offline lporterrn

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Re: new and confused
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2013, 01:38:02 pm »
Congratulations on your 15 mos of sobriety - this is the single most important step you can take. Amazed you quit smoking that early in sobriety - you are made of tough stuff.

A hep C diagnosis can be overwhelming at first. Try to focus on everything that feeds your body, mind, and soul. Take this slowly because you have already made significant changes to your life and if you are like me, trying to change diet, exercise, sleeping enough, all of that can just feel like too much!

Since everything goes through the liver, I tend not to take vitamins and minerals other than what I need for my age and gender. Rather than taking more stuff, spend time educating yourself. There is good info on Hep Mag http://www.hepmag.com/ and the HCV Advocate (I wrote a Guide for the Newly Diagnosed - a good place to start http://www.hcvadvocate.org/hepatitis/First_Steps.asp)

Your doctor's advice to wait makes sense in light of the fact that there are easier, more effective treatments in the near future. Suboxone is fine for liver and only issue with that might be when you start treatment you may need dose adjustment - cross that bridge when you get to it. Yes, keep acetaminophen to no more than 3000 mg daily in divided doses as directed. Watch other meds like cold, sleep, pain, etc for acetaminophen.

As for the nerves - this is normal and will get better with time. However, the fact that you have been able to give up these substances tells me that this virus is just going to be one more thing that you will come to terms with, and I think that acceptance and letting go of fear is the easiest way to live with hepatitis C.
Thanks for posting,
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline justahandd

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Re: new and confused
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2013, 10:52:51 pm »
Thank you so much for your response and advice!!

Offline Elijah

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Re: new and confused
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2013, 03:28:03 pm »
Congrats on the sobriety.What you can do is live a healthy lifestyle, exercise and be positive.You can take control just by not letting it bother you and do any thing you enjoy to keep your mind off it.


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