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Author Topic: Hep c  (Read 16838 times)

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Offline Marcopolo24

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Hep c
« on: November 12, 2013, 09:52:10 am »
Hi. I would like to have your opinion if it's possible about something that bothers me ... My dad has Hep C and he cut himself with a knife a few days ago... It's a knife that we use to do some construction jobs inside the house...I used the same knife today and I skratched my finger with the same knife ... It was not a deep cut and it certainly did not need stitches ...I saw some blood coming out of my fingers but I only noticef 5-10 min after I cut myself... So it was not deep at all... From what I understand... Hep C virus needs to have access to your veins ... Which is not really possible in my case because my cut was not deep.. Do you think there is a risk of contracting the virus ? Should I get tested or can I move on? Thx a lot!!

Offline jberlin

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Re: Hep c
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2013, 01:50:58 am »
Not sure of your age, but don't you get some sort of schedule check-up annually?  I would suggest you get tested, but the incubation period is months, so I would wait until at least May.  You probably are fine, but silly not to test for the anti-bodies, but that should be routine in most blood tests. -jack

Offline Marcopolo24

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Re: Hep c
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2013, 03:19:21 am »
Yes I do get tested at least once a year. Last time I got tested was last june and everything was fine. I just wanted to know if HEP C can have access to your bloodstream by superficial wound and how long does the virus can live once exposed to oxygen... You said that i'm probably fine... Is it because this situation was not really a risk? I will get tested in 3-6 months... But in the meantime i would like some peace of mind ... Thanks

Offline jberlin

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Re: Hep c
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2013, 05:52:32 pm »
No one can answer this question really.  Could it infect you? The answer is yes.  Hep C is hard to kill as the IV drug users using bleach learned the hard way. Good luck and let us know.

Offline Marcopolo24

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Re: Hep c
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2013, 07:35:45 pm »
I agree with the fact that the virus is hard to kill and that it is possible that the blood on the knife was still infectious. I was directed to your website and I was told you guys were the best in regards to Hep.  My question is about my superficial cut... I was told by SIS -HEP (from france) that even if the blood was still infectious... My wound was too "superficial" and the virus could not get into my bloodstream like that. To enter the bloodstream, the virus has to access your veins (injecting drugs... Really deep cut, blood transfusion, tattoos, etc) i just want to know why 2 big website about hep C like  hepmag.com and like SIS HEP ( http://www.sis.asso.fr/?Hepatites-Info-Service&v=mobile )  don't agree about superficial wound and HEP C transmission ....  Thanks a lot for clarification


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