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Author Topic: I'll be starting the sovaldi and olysio, wondering what it's like to be cured?  (Read 16828 times)

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Offline Mpetrecz

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Has anyone finished this combo?  How has your life changed?

Offline jberlin

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Well, I took a different cocktail of meds than this but it is a huge cloud lifted off your life to rid oneself of this virus after decades of worry. 

If you have started this treatment, it is helpful for this group to know a bit more, like your genotype, treatment length & regimen, age, how long you have had Hep C - and of course to keep us updated with your progress, any side effects, and results.

Good luck with your treatment, I wish for you a fast journey to UD!

« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 09:52:17 am by jberlin »

Offline Mpetrecz

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Thanks jack.  I'm 60 and don't know when I was infected, it was probably. Sometime in the last 1970s.  I am A1 my viral load is 1,300,000.  I am going to starting olysio and sovaldi for 3 months.  I was an equestrian that has lost the ability to ride for more than 15 minutes.  I get weak and even with exercise and physical work just can't get my endurance and strength to anywhere near what it should be.  My liver is 3 and I don't have cirosis.  I'm am hoping to be able to ride andk compete again.....overall I'm very healthy....it's just the strength and energy problem.
I find that by pacing and going slow with lots of resting I get everything done in a day I really just want my life back.  I have blue cross and blue shield, I don't think getting the meds will be an issue, I was on peg and ribo....had a terrible experience resulting in almost losing my eyesight.....lesions in my eyes.,,,so I can never go back on those drugs.
I've been trying to find someone that has been through the treatments and can tell me if it really does change your life...will I be able to get strong agian,,,,will I be able to do the things I had always done?
Thanks for posting.....I will keep posting as I get started....I'm very excited about getting well....and am hoping for minimal side affects.....

Offline jberlin

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Thanks - what genotype are you? P{robably 1 if that early an infection.  I was 1a, infected in 1976. 

The short answer to your question is 'it depends'.  I am 58, but did not suffer as badly either from my infection or earlier dual therapy treatment as you, so not as good of comparison. But, your liver will improve and your body won't be fighting this awful virus constantly, so I have to believe you will see some improvement, just not sure how much.  I look forward to your being cured, and you letting us know how things are getting better!  When do you start and how long is the treatment?

Best wishes,

Offline lporterrn

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Compared to your previous treatment experience, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. You have a shot at getting your life back with these drugs, assuming your liver damage isn't too extensive. Either way, this is a good combo.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline Mpetrecz

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I'm 1A jack.......I'll be on for 12 weeks.....I should be getting the olysio and solvaldi in I the next week....I just heard from the coordinating pharmacy...
My doctor told me it will change my life......I really hope it does.....
How long have you been off the meds?
Thanks importerm,  have you finished the meds and how are you now?
The peg and ribo was awful....I was at Hershey hospital for 3 weeks and had to cut the meds off at 4 months....they ran every test known to man to conclude it was the meds that were making me go blind.
I am a little nervous about starting meds again....but I'm hearing so much good observations, that I'm more excited to start then apprehensive....
Thanks for all the good input.....this is a journey.

Offline Mpetrecz

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O I do not have cirrhosis, and my liver biopsy showed scarring and inflammation. And they gave me a grade of 3.

Offline jberlin

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Yes, it is a scary journey... I did the dual therapy for 48 weeks and relapsed in 2005, and the only thing I could say that came out of that horror (I lost most of my hair and went from 180 to 142 pounds) was I gave my liver a vacation!  I completed 24 weeks of Incivek triple therapy on Nov 1, 2013 and was declared cured 3 months later, and was also UD at 6 months post treatment to satisfy the CDC standards. So off the meds for 17 months.  I started feeling better within days, and think I was back to normal with my endurance coming back in about 6 weeks.  But, I never stopped work or travel during either treatment, I just couldn't afford to.

You are going to do great.  Much milder treatment and only 12 weeks!  Awesome!  Keep us informed please.

Best wishes,

Offline Mpetrecz

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Thanks for all this wonderful news.  I will keep everyone up with the tratment.  I am thinking this will be a piece of cake...at least compared to the last treatments....lol.
It's wonderful earring how well you're doing jack.  It gives me hope.

Offline lporterrn

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It feels great!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline Mpetrecz

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Thanks Lucinda!   I just got off the phone with the drug company distributing the olysio and sovaldi.  It will be delivered on Tuesday and I'll stat on Tuesday.  I had about an half hour talk with an RN and a pharmacist.....so it's all good.  I'm very excited and can't wait to be NORMAL!!!!!!!  I'm on the verge of getting my life back, slaying the dragon and living.   All ls good,

Offline marivirginia

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I will be seeing my doc on may 21 and hope to start the same treatrment of sovaldi and olysio. good luck to you and keep us informed of your progress!!!

Offline Mpetrecz

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I hope so too marivirginia.  My meds come tomorrow and I'm so excited to get started.  I have to say I sat in the sun today and enjoyed the outside,  my house is dark and cool.....I'll be inside for a while,  at least my horses will be in during the day and I can groom and do inside the barn horse things....,,I expect my house to be a little cleaner too.....lol
I'll be thinking  of you may 21st.  Good luck!

Offline Shifty1

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Hi everyone, I am 5 days into the new two pill therapy of solvaldi and olysio.  This is my 5th time trying to clear this awful disease.  Three 48 week stints on peg interferon and RIBA and 6 mos triple therapy with incevek.  Each time I went undetectable but relapsed soon after treatment.  I have had two biopsies, the first said I was grade 3 and after the three interferon treatments the second one came back as grade 2.  Didn't believe it but I'll take it

Offline marivirginia

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To Shifty1,
The IL28B gene is involved in the immune response to certain viruses, including hepatitis C. There are three IL28B subtypes (called genotypes): CC, CT, and TT. It is my understanding that CT and TT would not clear the virus with any of the earlier treatment including the last triple therapies introduced in 2012. The new therapies coming out now do address the more difficult subtypes. I am a CT. I am very happy for you Shifty. We should be able to clear it this time!!

Offline Mpetrecz

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Hey shifty1.  My olysio and sovaldi came today...late....so I'll start tomorrow morning.  It'll be good having someone to travel with......do you have any side effects? 
Wow marivirginia...I didn't know any of that,,,,,I don't know as much about this as I'd like to...I'm glade you share with us.
I held the two pills in my hand and thought ...this is 2000$.  It's just crazy that there is a cure for a virus.....the price is huge, but in the entire scheme of things it's a small price....to not have hep c any more,,,,,no kidney transplants,,,no further meds....it's like a miracle,  people on dialysis pay 10,000 a week...for the rest of their lives....we are getting of cheap when you think of that,

Offline Shifty1

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Sorry guys my original post had much more info than what posted. It cut it off for some reason.  I am 55 y/o male 1A  VL of 3.8 mil last time it was checked, approx. 10 mos ago.  I have nearly no side effects except for a little difficulty getting to sleep.  With that Said if this is the extent of it I can do this standing on my head.  I am not making light of this, it's just what some of us all have been through with the other treatments it would be great not to suffer so much for soooo long.  Anyway thx for the replies and good luck to you all.  Hang in there, life is worth it.

Offline Mpetrecz

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Good to hear shifty1.  I just took my first days meds.  Do you use sunblock or the protective clothes or isn't the sun bothering you?


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