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Author Topic: week 9 today--1/3 done--and I feel it  (Read 6965 times)

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Offline DesertGuy

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week 9 today--1/3 done--and I feel it
« on: August 26, 2014, 08:53:24 am »
Been feeling weird the past few days--started with a ringing in my ears(still have that), edgy, getting a tunnel vision on things and yesterday-BAM, it was like taking an amphetamine in the morning at dosage time. Within 30 minutes of taking pills, I was almost shaking--wife could see it--and then settled into this 9 hour grind on one project that I had going--couldn't stop--tried to relax, but couldn't. At 9;30 had to take pills to sleep(I never have a problem going to sleep).  Up at 4;30, two hours later I'm medicated, hot tubbed, and ready to start my day again.
 Two ways for me to see this, side effect or result, I'm a 24 week, Sol-Rib guy.
Way I see it, I just spent 8 weeks(1st gear) kicking the viruses butt, hit second gear with the tires spinning ( the day I had yesterday, and I feel today) ,and for the next 8 weeks I will hang and enjoy the ride  until I hit cruising speed in 8 weeks and then hopefully run out the last 8 weeks at full speed.   
 Just an analogy from a car guy!!

Offline rainbowray

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Re: week 9 today--1/3 done--and I feel it
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2014, 10:32:24 am »
I'm on week 8 of the same sol/rib treatment. I still go to work everyday, called in sick last Friday cause 3-4 days of fighting to get to sleep takes a toll. I am not taking any sleep meds, had enough of drugs period. I told myself if I do not achive not detected for the virus in 3-4 weeks of treatment I would not go thru this cause the fatigue and irritability is making people stay away from me. But I got not detected on my first viral load test so I am going the 24 weeks. If people stay away, if my wife gets stressed, if I take a few days off cause I am weary, is it worth the risk of losing my job ?. My company just let about 75 people go, and are planning a few hundred in October.  Sometimes I feel like I'm having a meltdown in my mind, and don't want to do anything, but I force myself to get going with a little prayer first.
Is it all worth it, you damn better BELIEVE it. Only we know and understand who are going thru it. Count your blessings in the process.

Offline DesertGuy

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Re: week 9 today--1/3 done--and I feel it
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2014, 10:42:25 am »
Thankfully--I have already been fired and can go thru this unemployed. You are 100% correct about people staying away--I need to be alone--I was telling the wife the other day that there is no way I could attempt to work, so I understand.

Offline lporterrn

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Re: week 9 today--1/3 done--and I feel it
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 10:54:31 am »
Oh my heart aches listening to the two of you - such strength in the light of huge challenges. I hope you find what I found - a huge change and reclaiming of life at the end of treatment. Not immediate, but definite.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)


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