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Author Topic: 8 weeks  (Read 8979 times)

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Offline crysmel

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8 weeks
« on: September 07, 2014, 11:32:17 am »
My 8th week blood work is stable, virus not detected, sides have been very few, still very tired and no energy, but having this virus in my system for 51 years, and the last 3 years hardly mobil I am sure it is going to take some time.  My biggest side effect are my lips stay chapped and peeling
Good luck to everyone, it does seem like a miracle.

Offline Bucky

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Re: 8 weeks
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2014, 02:48:09 pm »
My 8th week blood work is stable, virus not detected, sides have been very few, still very tired and no energy, but having this virus in my system for 51 years, and the last 3 years hardly mobil I am sure it is going to take some time.  My biggest side effect are my lips stay chapped and peeling
Good luck to everyone, it does seem like a miracle.
Hello crysmel,   First time I have seen a post on here from you so again Hello!  I don't know what meds you are taking, but it sounds like you might be dehydrated. I drink almost two liters of water everyday because of the heat & my meds.
It sounds like you have had a long date with the dragon and the fact that you have not ambulated a lot in the last three years will require a little longer to get you stamina back after you finish. I am on my last week and I am tired as well, but I am still walking to keep my energy up. I have to do it at night because I can't tolerate the heat.
I have lost a few friends to HepC and the fact that I survived long enough to see these great meds is indeed a miracle. Hands guided my God made this possible.

Offline crysmel

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Re: 8 weeks
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2014, 02:19:00 pm »
Bucky thanks for the post. I thought I was drinking enough water but maybe not I drink a liter a day so will increase my water.
I think I am inpatient about getting my energy back, so frustrating to be tired all time and no energy.
 I also walk at night because of the heat.  There is also a fitness center and indoor pool where I live so take advantage of the pool also
Take care and sending light to you and all of us that lived long enough to take advantage of this new treatment.

Offline willie g

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Re: 8 weeks
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2014, 02:44:28 pm »
hey CRYSMEL  just before I saw this posting I replyed to an old posting you had wrote,  anyway its freat to here from you[freat is French, not really, my spelling still bites the big one and I don't always do spell check because sometimes I lose what I wrote,airhead ,what can I say] its great to hear from you and that water thing is coming out of my ears and other places too. im up half the night talking to the porcelain, at least its not like the old days where I was laying on the porcelain.  have a good week  willie g

Offline crysmel

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Re: 8 weeks
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2014, 02:50:18 pm »
Good to hear from you Willie G. things are moving right along for us.
Are you virus free also?


Offline willie g

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Re: 8 weeks
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2014, 03:23:49 pm »
hey not yet I will be getting third bottle tues.  go to the forum section and see my latest posting,, am I infected and let me know if you got it wiliie g


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