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Author Topic: can my dog have hep c  (Read 11264 times)

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Offline willie g

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can my dog have hep c
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:33:01 pm »
 well here I am this am enjoying a cup of WATER and decided to check on my dogs, my daughter gave me a 6 month old a couple of weeks ago to be my buddy ,and take my mind off of this hep c journey. not a bad dog but you know how puppy's can be once in awhile.[like they like to eat the crotch out of your underware etc.]  now thru this two weeks I've been hugging her kissing her ,ya know the sweet lickings and kisses they give you lapping your face with their tongues once in awhile[sometimes enough is ENOUGH]   anyway I go to the window and see dog number one [punky nova, a chiuyha that explodes at any second] I smile, shes just lying in the sun[which of course I cant be in due to oylisio, unless I am covered in camo on a 85 degree day,no thanks] then I go to dog number two, [penelopee ,poor girl went blind and cant here so well, I am not sure what kind of dog but her face looks like someone hit her with a frying pan, I rescued her from some idiots and she is so sweet] and she is in the shade looking like she is watching every detail.  now I am looking for dog number 3 the sweet 6 month old that has been loving me to death [BELLA LAGOSI] and what do I see as I am getting ready to take another gulp of this WATER [which I use to like until I was instructed to drink a GALLON a day!]   she is eating a BIG pile of FECES! Now out goes the water and out goes old WILIE BOY to holler "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" the other two dogs jump up while Bella continues to chomp away. so now I am having this lovely CHAT with her and at this point I want to puke but I don't dare because who knows she might like the taste of PUKE TOO!!! now here is my question ,CAN DOGS GET HEP C!? , and do I now have to prolong my treatment because I have been snuggling and kissing MY NEW SWEET DOG MY DAUGHTER GAVE ME TO HAVE AS A "BUDDY"!? UN Friggin real. well like I had mentioned before in another post I had bought a bunch[excuse me but I should call them a shitload of toothbrushes] of toothbrushes, hand sanitizer, my own cups etc. to use for my grandkids and company and how funny it was that I had bought tons and tons? well guess what? looks like the joke was on me because the first thing I did after my nice little chat MISS BELLA LAGOSI was to run to my bathroom throw away my toothbrush, open a new one, throw away the toothpaste,open another one and last but not least I took a shower with hand sanitiser [lets say a 20 minute shower]. now I get all done go to grab a pair of my now new crotchless underware [thanks to my new BUDDY] and who is waiting for me as I exit the bathroom,whom must have came in thru the dog chute, with these sweet big eyes is my new buddy SHED! yup, I renamed my SWEET LIITLE BUDDY, her name is now SHED, S FOR SHIT, E FOR EATING, AND D FOR DOG ,WHICH = SHITEATINGDOG[TERRIBLY sorry for the language, but hey,,,] after I leave this wonderful site I am going to go online and see what I can do for my now new buddy SHED and of course when I get done with that I will probably go and gargle with my dollar store Listerine that I so humbly bought in tons when I went to get for my new JOURNEY,  I SWEAR ON MY OTHER TWO DOGS , this IS a true story, novel whatever in the hell you want to call it.[ya, guess who is sitting next to me waiting for a treat because I gave the other two one as I begged them "please .please don't ever ever do what your new sister does.  thankyou for listening,  willie g  PS hey BUCKY,i posted that under   sorry hep c  just go to bottom, and thanks for the advice on the caps because today it sure feels great to kinda know what I'm doing,, later my Fellow hep victims and please remind me again that there IS light at the end of the tunnel,  Faith, Hope,  LOVE,,,,

Offline willie g

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Re: can my dog have hep c
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2014, 03:27:57 pm »
well here I am this am enjoying a cup of WATER and decided to check on my dogs, my daughter gave me a 6 month old a couple of weeks ago to be my buddy ,and take my mind off of this hep c journey. not a bad dog but you know how puppy's can be once in awhile.[like they like to eat the crotch out of your underware etc.]  now thru this two weeks I've been hugging her kissing her ,ya know the sweet lickings and kisses they give you lapping your face with their tongues once in awhile[sometimes enough is ENOUGH]   anyway I go to the window and see dog number one [punky nova, a chiuyha that explodes at any second] I smile, shes just lying in the sun[which of course I cant be in due to oylisio, unless I am covered in camo on a 85 degree day,no thanks] then I go to dog number two, [penelopee ,poor girl went blind and cant here so well, I am not sure what kind of dog but her face looks like someone hit her with a frying pan, I rescued her from some idiots and she is so sweet] and she is in the shade looking like she is watching every detail.  now I am looking for dog number 3 the sweet 6 month old that has been loving me to death [BELLA LAGOSI] and what do I see as I am getting ready to take another gulp of this WATER [which I use to like until I was instructed to drink a GALLON a day!]   she is eating a BIG pile of FECES! Now out goes the water and out goes old WILIE BOY to holler "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" the other two dogs jump up while Bella continues to chomp away. so now I am having this lovely CHAT with her and at this point I want to puke but I don't dare because who knows she might like the taste of PUKE TOO!!! now here is my question ,CAN DOGS GET HEP C!? , and do I now have to prolong my treatment because I have been snuggling and kissing MY NEW SWEET DOG MY DAUGHTER GAVE ME TO HAVE AS A "BUDDY"!? UN Friggin real. well like I had mentioned before in another post I had bought a bunch[excuse me but I should call them a shitload of toothbrushes] of toothbrushes, hand sanitizer, my own cups etc. to use for my grandkids and company and how funny it was that I had bought tons and tons? well guess what? looks like the joke was on me because the first thing I did after my nice little chat MISS BELLA LAGOSI was to run to my bathroom throw away my toothbrush, open a new one, throw away the toothpaste,open another one and last but not least I took a shower with hand sanitiser [lets say a 20 minute shower]. now I get all done go to grab a pair of my now new crotchless underware [thanks to my new BUDDY] and who is waiting for me as I exit the bathroom,whom must have came in thru the dog chute, with these sweet big eyes is my new buddy SHED! yup, I renamed my SWEET LIITLE BUDDY, her name is now SHED, S FOR SHIT, E FOR EATING, AND D FOR DOG ,WHICH = SHITEATINGDOG[TERRIBLY sorry for the language, but hey,,,] after I leave this wonderful site I am going to go online and see what I can do for my now new buddy SHED and of course when I get done with that I will probably go and gargle with my dollar store Listerine that I so humbly bought in tons when I went to get for my new JOURNEY,  I SWEAR ON MY OTHER TWO DOGS , this IS a true story, novel whatever in the hell you want to call it.[ya, guess who is sitting next to me waiting for a treat because I gave the other two one as I begged them "please .please don't ever ever do what your new sister does.  thankyou for listening,  willie g  PS hey BUCKY,i posted that under   sorry hep c  just go to bottom, and thanks for the advice on the caps because today it sure feels great to kinda know what I'm doing,, later my Fellow hep victims and please remind me again that there IS light at the end of the tunnel,  Faith, Hope,  LOVE,,,,

Offline willie g

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Re: can my dog have hep c
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2014, 03:28:29 pm »
well here I am this am enjoying a cup of WATER and decided to check on my dogs, my daughter gave me a 6 month old a couple of weeks ago to be my buddy ,and take my mind off of this hep c journey. not a bad dog but you know how puppy's can be once in awhile.[like they like to eat the crotch out of your underware etc.]  now thru this two weeks I've been hugging her kissing her ,ya know the sweet lickings and kisses they give you lapping your face with their tongues once in awhile[sometimes enough is ENOUGH]   anyway I go to the window and see dog number one [punky nova, a chiuyha that explodes at any second] I smile, shes just lying in the sun[which of course I cant be in due to oylisio, unless I am covered in camo on a 85 degree day,no thanks] then I go to dog number two, [penelopee ,poor girl went blind and cant here so well, I am not sure what kind of dog but her face looks like someone hit her with a frying pan, I rescued her from some idiots and she is so sweet] and she is in the shade looking like she is watching every detail.  now I am looking for dog number 3 the sweet 6 month old that has been loving me to death [BELLA LAGOSI] and what do I see as I am getting ready to take another gulp of this WATER [which I use to like until I was instructed to drink a GALLON a day!]   she is eating a BIG pile of FECES! Now out goes the water and out goes old WILIE BOY to holler "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" the other two dogs jump up while Bella continues to chomp away. so now I am having this lovely CHAT with her and at this point I want to puke but I don't dare because who knows she might like the taste of PUKE TOO!!! now here is my question ,CAN DOGS GET HEP C!? , and do I now have to prolong my treatment because I have been snuggling and kissing MY NEW SWEET DOG MY DAUGHTER GAVE ME TO HAVE AS A "BUDDY"!? UN Friggin real. well like I had mentioned before in another post I had bought a bunch[excuse me but I should call them a shitload of toothbrushes] of toothbrushes, hand sanitizer, my own cups etc. to use for my grandkids and company and how funny it was that I had bought tons and tons? well guess what? looks like the joke was on me because the first thing I did after my nice little chat MISS BELLA LAGOSI was to run to my bathroom throw away my toothbrush, open a new one, throw away the toothpaste,open another one and last but not least I took a shower with hand sanitiser [lets say a 20 minute shower]. now I get all done go to grab a pair of my now new crotchless underware [thanks to my new BUDDY] and who is waiting for me as I exit the bathroom,whom must have came in thru the dog chute, with these sweet big eyes is my new buddy SHED! yup, I renamed my SWEET LIITLE BUDDY, her name is now SHED, S FOR SHIT, E FOR EATING, AND D FOR DOG ,WHICH = SHITEATINGDOG[TERRIBLY sorry for the language, but hey,,,] after I leave this wonderful site I am going to go online and see what I can do for my now new buddy SHED and of course when I get done with that I will probably go and gargle with my dollar store Listerine that I so humbly bought in tons when I went to get for my new JOURNEY,  I SWEAR ON MY OTHER TWO DOGS , this IS a true story, novel whatever in the hell you want to call it.[ya, guess who is sitting next to me waiting for a treat because I gave the other two one as I begged them "please .please don't ever ever do what your new sister does.  thankyou for listening,  willie g  PS hey BUCKY,i posted that under   sorry hep c  just go to bottom, and thanks for the advice on the caps because today it sure feels great to kinda know what I'm doing,, later my Fellow hep victims and please remind me again that there IS light at the end of the tunnel,  Faith, Hope,  LOVE,,,,

Offline willie g

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Re: can my dog have hep c
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2014, 03:33:05 pm »
what retard  somehow I sent this shed thing 3 times,, I still don't know what the hell im doing ; like PACINO said in the GODFATHER "  Just when you think your out THEY PULL YOU BACK IN!"   I am really beginning to wonder willie goofball


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