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Author Topic: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?  (Read 312853 times)

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Offline susanm719

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #300 on: October 02, 2014, 09:22:23 am »
I have just 11 days left of S/O combo. Basically no side effects until 4 weeks ago. Now every day seems like I have a new joint pain. Is anyone else having this? Other than that, I've felt great. I was undetectable after 1 week, with normal enzymes. I am genotype 1B. Couldn't tolerate peg/rib combo 11 years ago, so this combo is a cakewalk compared to that.

Offline willie g

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #301 on: October 02, 2014, 12:07:02 pm »
HEY REble  sorry to haer your under the weather, feeling sjck IS  intensified by the sun but you get it here and there on this s/o anyway and headaches here and there and other side effects for some so just keep plugging away day at a time and keep sharing everything and don't feel like your pissing and moaning ever( not that you are or have but some folks, . Even me feel reluctant to share the bad) praying for ya girl. "Just" willie g

Offline willie g

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #302 on: October 02, 2014, 12:10:18 pm »
GREAT to hear 719 , ya i bet those other meds were horrible from what i hear and have read yuck yuck. You take care "just"willie g

Offline willie g

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #303 on: October 02, 2014, 12:15:11 pm »
Hey Dray that is great to hear,poor woman's been thru hell but yes by the grace of God and researchers,techs. We have been givinen a Gift." Just" Willie g

Offline Roger McGuinn

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #304 on: October 03, 2014, 01:05:27 pm »
Finally, after 4 months of serious pro-active writing, calling, begging, finagling (and I don't like to do, finagle), I got my drugs (Sovaldi and Olysio) for a very doable price of, NO COST!   I must say, that I could not be more thankful to get a chance at living again.  Certainly what Ive been doing for many years now, can not really be classified as "living"!  Much more like "surviving"!  Yeah, that's the word!

So I've secured medication, and have finished my first full week!  I've noticed that the most consistent aspect of these posts, are the fact that they show an incredible lack of consistency!  It seems as if not many of us have the same story to tell.  I would imagine that part of that has to do with the fact that all of us who have begun taking the combo S/O, were in a different place, both physically and emotionally (don't forget the emotional part of it), before we even got to pop our first pills!  I myself began my new quest while dealing with incredible (sometimes barely functional) fatigue, and not having the physical or mental energy to much care about things anymore.  That is not the story I would tell all that often, because I still felt that I had to keep my appearance up, while dealing with friends and family, besides the fact that I was still actively running my own business.  Lets say, sort of not so actively "running my business".  It's been hard, but one does a lot of unpleasant activity while trying to keep the dream of "good health and a cure" in focus!  I have a headache, which gives me some relief while taking Acetaminophen, and drinking gallons of water, and I haven't quite figured out how to sleep at night, or day, but will speak to my Hepatologist this coming week about the idea (which I got from you guys) of taking meds. at night, rather than morning.  All and all, this is not hard to deal with!  I remember some awful aspects of the Interferon and Ribaviran regiment, and anything is better than that!  ANYTHING!  I'm very thankful that my Doctors recognized the fact that the old combination was not a good thing for me.  I would have consented to S/O with Ribavirin, if necessary, but I would not have been terribly pleased!  I don't remember Ribavirin being all too friendly to the system, either, with many side effects that were not too pleasant!  So, HEADACHE, INSOMNIA, and my eyes burn a bit after being out in sun!  NOT A BAD TRADE, AT ALL!!!!!!  I am very careful, and use a sunblock for the very first time in my life (SPF50), but it's rather difficult here in Phoenix, with our 160 degree heat...but low humidity!  Yeah right! 

That's all for now, and all in all, I'm pretty pleased!  First labs on the 6th, and I really feel like it will go well!  How nice to finally have hope!  Hope is not "over rated"!

Best of everything good to the rest of you, fellow troopers,and troopettes!  Keep fighting the good fight!  Maybe when it's over, we can have a party!  Maybe not at my house, its a little small, but we can work out the details in two months, two weeks, and 6 days!  Love you all!

Offline Picnic

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #305 on: October 03, 2014, 02:07:12 pm »
You hit the nail on the head. Some of us have been through 1-3 rounds of previous treatments and many of us are in different stages of Liver damage but I think most of us have dreamed of a cure for many years. I was going to write a sci fi novel about how a plague hit the world and the hep c virus protected us that were infected! Forget that! I think world War Z had that concept. Enjoyed your post!!

Offline Jeanno

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #306 on: October 04, 2014, 09:06:57 am »
Good Morning and Namaste,

I just started Sovaldi and Olysio on September 30, 2014. I was diagnosed in December of 2006 and probably acquired it in 1984 from two pints of plasma given during what was supposed to be a routine surgery, but frankly it doesn't matter where we got it, just that we have it. I have no cirrhosis or major scarring. I have spent the last eight years taking very good care of  myself, cleansing and supporting my liver health. Earlier this year I was loosing the battle and I noted the new treatments available with such excellent results and knew it was time. My viral load is now 3.8 mill. My liver enzymes have just begun to rise. All my other blood work is good, liver making proteins etc. This virus is very insidious as it is not just the liver that it attacks, it is an equal-opportunity virus. The most damaging affect for me is Melvin (I named my virus) causing such brain fog, fatigue, memory issues. I was diagnosed with CFIDS in 1993. So, I was ready. I go for first labs 10/15 and have DR. apt on 10/20. I am very positive and eternally optimistic.

Since starting treatment, I have noticed increased irritability and a short fuse. I apologize ahead of time each day, but it does seem to be getting better. I like calm and quiet, but you don't always get what you want. So, I listen to a lot of soothing music, yoga for the liver and walk. 

I am glad to be here and be among friends who understand. You can follow my story at my blog at http://extremehealthwarrior.blogspot.com/.

God Bless and Namaste and keep fighting the good fight and I pray for all a good outcome. ;D
Almost 59-yr old; married; GT 1b, VL as of 4/14 3.5+ mill, slightly elev liver enzymes, Diag. 12/06, acq. 1984 via blood transfusion

Offline willie g

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #307 on: October 04, 2014, 10:41:33 am »
welcome JEANNO, I AM ON same meds, I have  4 days left and hopefully I will be hep free,, at the half way point I was undetected so yes the new drugs are great, this is a good forum and coming here daily [or whatever] will help you cruise right on by.  again  WELCOME  ,hope to be hearing you around.''just'' Willie g

Offline wordforthewise1

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #308 on: October 04, 2014, 03:47:18 pm »
Welcome Jeanno and thank you for sharing your story on your blog, it is very encouraging.  I am geno 1a on my 7th week of s/o treatment, my viral load at week 4 was 20 (started at 1,300,000's), nurse says it's gone, praise be to God!   You have such a positive attitude which is what makes this forum so helpful.  Thank you again and keep posting as you reach your cure.

Willie g congratulations you're right at the finish line - that's wonderful!

Blessings to all!


Offline drayd4

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #309 on: October 05, 2014, 07:50:30 am »
Hi guys , just want to say welcome Jeanno this forum is really great it helps answer many questions you have but more important is the peace of mind it brings from reading so many positive posts of others sharing this beast with you. I have been posting about my spouse Carol because at the time she started treatment she could barely write her name .her liver is stage 4 level 3 the encephalopathy was terrible . Friday she completed her 12 weeks and is undetected since week 4 she had a hard uphill battle having 3 units of blood twice due to ribavirin she was on with S/O you would not believe the turn around she's like her old self this medicine has give her back to me. You all are blessed to be receiving the meds. you are given a new life. rejoice with us Carols 12 weeks are done. her doctor has also told her that she can now be on a transplant list if need be down the road.I wish for all you guys the best and live your life praise God.

Offline sunrise

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #310 on: October 05, 2014, 11:29:11 am »
Willie G!!!!! You're almost done. I pray you stay UD!!!! So today I am on my 7th dose of S/O at dinner. Side effects very minimal.   Just alittle prickly on skin here and there, and slight headache which I have tramadol if gets bad since I run my own biz also. Just working partime for now. Also I take 5 mg ambien for sleep which works wonderfully since I wake refeshed and ready for day. Alittle more fatigued in morning , but once im up and eat, all is good! Definitely sunblock and sunglasses are a must. Especially since I am in southwest as well. Had this 23 yrs, didn't know it till June 2014. Which in someways a blessing with the fact I suffer from some anxiety issues and the interferon treatment would have sent me over the edge. I was tested geno 1a 5 mil vl slightly elevated alt ast. Dont get tested til 4 wks into treatment for vl. Just gonna pray. Its wierd for such strong DAAs to have such small side effects. WHAT A MIRACLE!!!! I hope the best for you all!!!! Blessings

Offline sunrise

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #311 on: October 05, 2014, 11:39:24 am »
Oh and Dray, you tell Carol I am  thrilled to hear her progress! She has been thru the trenches for sure. Just take good care and eat good! Love your liver. She is lucky to have someone thats loves her and takes care of her. That alot of us wish we had. I am grateful for my son and his girl and my family. They are a great comfort and support. Living alone though can be hard sometimes, but being a strong person makes it doable. You must be a good man.


Offline Jeanno

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #312 on: October 05, 2014, 03:16:18 pm »
I am on day 6 and feeling better all the time. I switched from evening to morning. The first few days weepy and extremely irritable, not just itchy. Trying to eat well, keep moving and being positive and drink plenty of fluids.

Almost 59-yr old; married; GT 1b, VL as of 4/14 3.5+ mill, slightly elev liver enzymes, Diag. 12/06, acq. 1984 via blood transfusion

Offline willie g

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #313 on: October 05, 2014, 03:38:41 pm »
THANKYOU my friends , word,sunrise,dray and any of you other folks,,,  it is really nice ,, i feel really happy that your all chugging along. just remember everybody..... 85% of the things we worry about is always worthless worrying and the other 15 % we have no control of.. we are always given the boat and oars,,, all we have to do is row it,,,,FAITH HOPE AND THE BIGGEST ONE is Love,, call someone or do something,,small for someone each day and you will find that IS the best part of your day.[I need to be reminded of everything I just posted myself,,,, in so many instances I am just the messenger and not the ONE who gives me the gift to do it,, MAY the CREATOR be with all of you and also I     "just" Willie g

Offline RebelGir

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #314 on: October 05, 2014, 05:38:53 pm »
today will be day 8 for me. starting week 2!!  I feel a little headachy today. i take mine right before bed and they seem to totally knock me out. i have been having to take sleeping pills but not now. I am out before i can even pick a channel to watch on my bedroom tv lol. i have also been having weird dreams and some nightmares since ive been on it. i just hope the next 11 weeks go as easy as this one did. Every one hang in there..we will get thru this!

Offline Nancy

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #315 on: October 07, 2014, 12:24:52 pm »
Béen on Olysio and Solvadi for 8 weeks. I have 4 weeks to go.  I cleared the virus in 10 days down from a 5 million viral load! Absolutely no side effects!  I took the ribavarin/interferon trestment years ago and it just about killed me.   These new antivirals are a miracle!

Offline sunrise

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #316 on: October 07, 2014, 04:56:56 pm »
Hi Nancy
      Thats soooo awsome! Hey not to be nosey but how long have you had it? Just curious because I dont get vl test til 4th week marker. Ive had it 23 yrs and wonder if my vl will go down as well. Best of luck on your recovery!! It's so wonderful to hear good news!!

Offline Nancy

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #317 on: October 07, 2014, 05:52:27 pm »
Hi Sunrise,
I've had Hep C for 40 years!   Now, thanks to Olysio and Solvadi - I don't!

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #318 on: October 07, 2014, 05:58:53 pm »
That is amazing. They say our time with it makes it different on the response,  but to hear that makes it a reality that it doesnt matter. So wonderful to hear that Nancy! Continued UD!
   Hey Willie day 9 for me. That means you should be done in a day or so. Congrads and God Bless

Offline Ronaldo

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #319 on: October 13, 2014, 03:12:18 pm »
  I drove 35 miles to the clinic for my 4 weeks completed lab test. I was told to call for my results in 7 days. I called and they gave me my results. The dang lab worker was so busy talking that she had forgot to do a vial that was the important one. I think she told me they did not test my viral load. I had to go to a closer clinic and do labs again. I have to wait till next Monday for results now. I wasn't mad but disappointed for sure. I'll tell you that if I'm hungry I better eat or I pay for it with a headache. I have to stay ahead of it with food and water. Good Luck everyone.

Offline lporterrn

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Re: Anyone on dual Sovaldi and Olysio describe the side effects?
« Reply #320 on: October 13, 2014, 05:21:42 pm »
Hi Everyone - There are lots of great posts and new threads on this topic, but now that it is 9 months old and 4 pages long, I am going to lock it. If anyone has something that needs feedback on, please start a new topic. And good luck to you Ronaldo on your treatment. You got the last word on this topic! Hope to hear you sharing good news with us in a week.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)


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