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Author Topic: Been told I have Hepatitis E  (Read 17052 times)

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Offline Juniper

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Been told I have Hepatitis E
« on: August 05, 2015, 04:51:37 pm »
Hello everyone, I am new here and in a bit of a minefield of information.
I have been told today I have HEV. I'm currently in hospital with a back/neurological problem and have been here for 4 weeks. I was originally told the two aren't connected but one neurologist mentioned there was a possible link between the two he would need to find literature on, and then I saw another post on this forum with a very similar situation. (I have sent private message to that poster to see if they are still active)
I had a lady from health prevention come and speak to me today, had to go over everything I had eaten/ places I had been for the last 3 months and she thinks it's most likely come from eating undercooked pork. She basically said it will go away itself within a few weeks, and would only cause issue with people who were pregnant or who had lower immune systems.

As you can see I'm rather confused!! I've had other blood tests come back strange, and I've been told my liver isn't working as well as it should but no further information has been given to me.

Can anyone shed some light for me?

Many thanks.

Offline Tig56

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Re: Been told I have Hepatitis E
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2015, 12:08:47 am »
Hi Juniper, I haven't been here long either, but welcome to the forum!

I haven't heard much about HEV here, so your case is an uncommon one. Your health prevention lady was correct that it should resolve on it's own, but I question the means you acquired it. Typically, as I'm to understand it, HEV is most often spread by the fecal/oral route (gross I know) but that can be accomplished fairly easily. Undercooked food doesn't seem likely but I'm not going to say it isn't possible.

I'm very sorry that you're in the hospital and for so long. I hope you can get your neurological problems resolved, I have many of those same issues, so I can relate in some respects to your discomfort. If some of your neurologic symptoms are even remotely related to the HEV, they should diminish following your recovery from it. I wish you the very best, get well soon.  :) [size=78%] [/size]

Here's a link if you need some additional info:

59 YO GT1A, Tx X 2, Int. mono in 96 and Victrelis triple in 13. SVR 5/13


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