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Author Topic: Harvoni Takes the Sting Out of Hepatitis C Treatment  (Read 10082 times)

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Offline johnsshutts

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Harvoni Takes the Sting Out of Hepatitis C Treatment
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:43:22 pm »
You all need read this article that posted today, at healthline.com, by David Heitz, great article. "Harvoni Takes the Sting Out of Hepatitis C Treatment." It is posted on the right side under most resent. I just want to be cured, just like a lot of us. So tired of waiting, when the great meds are out now. I am so ready to start my treatment, just like a lot of us. I am between stage 1 and 2, just a little scarring, no cirrhosis. Geno 1a, with a 7 million viral load. Was on peg and co-peg for 14 months, over 10 years ago. My doctor and pharmacist thinks they can get me approved for harvoni, because I was a nonresponder. A lot of insurance companies are not educated on harvoni yet, because it is a new drug, and of course very expensive. They both told me to give it some time and be patient. I am working with the Gilead support group too. I am able to use the $5 co-pay for harvoni or sovaldi. Maybe the insurance companies will change their guidelines, if a lot of pressure is put on them. Thank you everyone for your support and great advice, greatly appreciated. You all have a great Sunday with your families. http://www.healthline.com/health-news/harvoni-takes-sting-out-of-hepatitis-c-treatment-102614

Offline Jjules224

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Re: Harvoni Takes the Sting Out of Hepatitis C Treatment
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2014, 08:31:37 am »
It feels like the light at the end of the tunnel is here-

I am starting Harvoni on January 1 .. ( prescription written and  in the "system-- )  Hoping to meet others starting the journey.   I am much like many   of you-- I was diagnosed in early 90s with  "non A non b"  in the mid 80s… So have been living with Hep  pretty much my adult life time.   ( Couple of guesses when I got it?  Could have been in the 70s?   maybe a transfusion in the mid 80s? WHO cares, right?? )     Tried a few of the combination treatments over the years..

Finally feel like this may be my time to get this monkey off the back?     I feel a well of hope springing up in me that I didn't know I had left in me. 

Anyone else out there trying Harvoni?

First time ever on this or any other message board.    So thanks
1970s - Contracted HCV
1985 -  Diagnosed non A nonB 
1992 -  DX Hep C (Genotype 1a)
viral load 11,000,000
Started Harvoni April 13
( turned down 3 times by insurance-  gutted the equity in my house so I am self pay)   

Happy to meet other folks going through the same journey…. tired of the shame and the disease,

Offline lporterrn

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Re: Harvoni Takes the Sting Out of Hepatitis C Treatment
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2014, 05:06:52 pm »
Welcome Jjules - I was in a Harvoni clinical trial. I think you will be quite pleased. Hoping that you have the same results as I did, and will be monkey-free in 2015!
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline Jjules224

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Re: Harvoni Takes the Sting Out of Hepatitis C Treatment
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2014, 08:41:09 pm »
I am thrilled for you.. …I  never thought this day would come for any of us.    I try to imagine what it will feel like to be "free"  of the burden.. liberate my blood..

I feel "hopeful" for the first time in many years.         Life is good for all of us!
1970s - Contracted HCV
1985 -  Diagnosed non A nonB 
1992 -  DX Hep C (Genotype 1a)
viral load 11,000,000
Started Harvoni April 13
( turned down 3 times by insurance-  gutted the equity in my house so I am self pay)   

Happy to meet other folks going through the same journey…. tired of the shame and the disease,


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