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Author Topic: When will Harvoni actually be available at my pharmacy?  (Read 15489 times)

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Offline iana5252

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When will Harvoni actually be available at my pharmacy?
« on: October 13, 2014, 04:41:55 pm »
This question has come up several times so we reached out to a pharmacist friend and this is what he said...

"Most likely the drug will be in the wholesalers by tomorrow or Wednesday.   Most drugs store get daily delivery, but on a new drug, you may see a day or two delay as everyone is working to get the drugs loaded into their systems and contracts...etc.

Most likely, the stores will order the drug once they see the prescription has gone through the insurance."

Please share your experiences if you end up taking Harvoni.

Offline Surf Till U Die

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Re: When will Harvoni actually be available at my pharmacy?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2014, 09:36:45 pm »
     I got a call from my Treatment team was told they couldn't  start my application till Wednesday. She said then it would take about two weeks to get approval. I said then look it like sometime first two weeks of  November her reply was  end of October. Hope she's right. I do know its in Gods time not mine. I am just happy I am in the Q. 

           Just a surfer looking for some waves John

Offline johnsshutts

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Re: When will Harvoni actually be available at my pharmacy?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2014, 08:24:20 am »
This question has come up several times so we reached out to a pharmacist friend and this is what he said...

"Most likely the drug will be in the wholesalers by tomorrow or Wednesday.   Most drugs store get daily delivery, but on a new drug, you may see a day or two delay as everyone is working to get the drugs loaded into their systems and contracts...etc.

Most likely, the stores will order the drug once they see the prescription has gone through the insurance."

Please share your experiences if you end up taking Harvoni.

Offline johnsshutts

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Re: When will Harvoni actually be available at my pharmacy?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2014, 08:33:29 am »
I have an appointment at 10:15 to start Harvoni. I called GEHA, my health insurance with the Federal Government. I was told it takes 48 hours for the pre authorization, which I will be approved. I called express scripts and they told me it will take 7 to 10 days to get my Harvoni shipped to me. I called CVS and Walgreens yesterday, and they never heard of Harvoni. Express Scripts already has Harvoni in their system. $200 co-pay for 30, and $500 co-pay for 84. I am not sure if I can use the $5 co-pay coupon from Gilead? One person told me yes, and another said no. I will soon be cured! Took peg and co-peg over 10 years ago for 14 months, no luck! I am geno 1A with 7 million viral load. Been taking max milk thistle and liver care for around 8 years. It has kept it under control!

Offline Jjules224

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Re: When will Harvoni actually be available at my pharmacy?
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2014, 08:38:41 am »
I had the same problem finding the drug.  I called major pharmacies yesterday and they still don't have it in their inventory but Walgreens did mention that typically  only one of their  stores  carry any sort of "cheemo" drugs. 

   Congratulations to you.    I am giddy with excitement .    I still have not dealt with my insurance company …   I want to bask in the idea of "maybe" before they smack me down> )    My start date is January 1.
1970s - Contracted HCV
1985 -  Diagnosed non A nonB 
1992 -  DX Hep C (Genotype 1a)
viral load 11,000,000
Started Harvoni April 13
( turned down 3 times by insurance-  gutted the equity in my house so I am self pay)   

Happy to meet other folks going through the same journey…. tired of the shame and the disease,

Offline Majorchas

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Re: When will Harvoni actually be available at my pharmacy?
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2014, 07:34:58 am »
Hard to tell if the reps are telling the truth or even if they know the correct answers but both Gilead and UnitedHC told me that because it's a specialty drug (costing roughly  $1000 per tablet) that you will never be able to "pick it up at Walgreens", rather it has to be mailed to your proscribing doc or clinic where you will finally be able to pick it up.


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