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Author Topic: New here  (Read 6523 times)

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Offline MockingBird

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New here
« on: November 05, 2014, 03:05:24 pm »
I have been reading hcv forums for years now.
After one year of the diagnosis of hcv geno 1b in 2000, I did the interferon and ribavirin which ravaged the body and mind since but improved when after many attempts found a regiment of foods, supplements and medicinal mushrooms.
That may have slowed down the progression that began with the old SOC, improved brain function and so on. TX was very bad for me and should have been taken off within the first month. I lost control of decision making, thinking, as I thought to only try it and would take myself off if things went badly wrong. And I was a partial responder. never got to svr but to 300 viral load. Most of the info on that ordeal are on copies obtained by self and lawyer for ssdi. Otherwise, there would be no memory of most of it. It was the old tx that left me with many problems and also still short term memory loss.
I am now on the S/O...5 weeks now..with an ankle broken but fusing in 2 places with osteo that began because of the old tx. So, that worsened with the revved up hcv. in a boot now and working on not having melting foot bones.
The S/O now makes me tired and agitated. Extensive Blood work has greatly improved..normal ranges but hemoglobin and hematocrit slightly lowered. Platelets that were very low since taking the interferon and riba, rising. Bili..both..are in low normal range.
Viral load at week 4 was 31. It was near 3 million. Who knows if this will work for me or not? To be clear for the rest of my life and without doing harm.
Appetite and gastro doing well so far. Had wake up in the morning headache twice and would go away after getting up and around. Very slight nausea once.
Brain fog has gotten worse though and was improving after my mother died and did the home hospice care for her. The thought for me, since that was so so difficult, that I would fall apart in every way and die before she did. It took over 2 months to feel and look so much better after her death, went for a walk to gather indigenous plants to transplant before they were destroyed with all the building going on here and went into a Prairie Dog hole...deep, twisting and winding... that was abandoned with no mound and covered by tangle weed. It was going into that infamous 'Rabbit Hole' for me....again. But opportunities, if taken, for needed enlightenment. Whine or shine. Difficult as it is.
Finally got docs who wanted to help before that incident and got the ok for the O/S.
It's a crap shoot again but if this fails, will try something else and that will be the last of it for me.
Lots of conflicting info on simeprevir/Olysio and what one can eat, take, drink. I just keep the diet clean, organic, plant foods, good oils and so on.
I was told that it was recently shown that cannabis interferes with this tx, so does fructose (so to also keep fruit juices out or very watered down), no apples, grapefruit, supplements except D3, calcium..food sourced best, B6 and 12 ok, and then some...(but then it depends on who one speaks with and read).
I think we are still lab rats.  ::)
oh...as far as East Asians and in Canada, I read that the dosage is 100mg. I am in the u.s. and the bottle says: Each capsule contains simeprevir SODIUM equivalent to 150 mg simeprevir. Janssen
Thanks for sharing here!
Wishing all the best.


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