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Author Topic: New here on Sovadi+interferon+ribavirin  (Read 8511 times)

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Offline philup1370

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New here on Sovadi+interferon+ribavirin
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:53:35 pm »
On my 5th week of treatment and this stuff is kicking my butt.
I'm also a type 2 diabetic and the weird thing is that since I started the hepc treatment my diabetes numbers have been great.
My main problem is sleep,sleep for 2-3hrs awake for 2-3hrs over and over.
The other thing is that at night my toes feel like they are frozen, have to wear two pair of socks to bed. I don't know if this is the treatment or diabetes?
Also have night sweats and sweat a lot more than usual during the day.
Been getting blood tests once a week and the one that is out of range is RDW at 15.8. This thurs I go for my hepc blood tests this should tell me a lot more.
Thank you all for letting me vent and if any of you are having the same problems please let me know. Thank You

Offline Mike

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Re: New here on Sovadi+interferon+ribavirin
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2014, 03:05:32 pm »
Hi philup1370,

I completed the same treatment in April. I'm also a type-II diabetic. My A1c dropped considerable 1/2 way through treatment, and, 6 months later, remain good.

I have now been able to decrease my medication, which is great.

Best wishes, Mike
Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014

Offline gulee

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Re: New here on Sovadi+interferon+ribavirin
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2014, 05:34:52 pm »
Hey, Phil,

I am on my 10th week of treatment (2 more wks to go, yeah!), and I have sleep problem too. Since the first week of my treatment (same as yours Sovadi + interferon + ribavirin), I felt brain chemical changes - I don't feel drowsy any longer even I slept very little. On the other hand even after I slept long hours, I didn't feel energized or recharged any longer. It just didn't feel the same any more. I become more irritable and haven't had one night of quality sleep since the treatment started (It felt that way at least).

My doctor said it's part of the side effects and gave me some antihistamine to help my sleep. I don't know why antihistamine, but it seemed working with me, I take one about an hour before sleep if I think I need it. I don't take it every night, but I get through fine over the past ten weeks by watching my diet, exercising moderately, and avoiding activities at night that may disrupt falling in sleep.

Thank you for your post! Best of luck to you for completing your treatment!! 

Offline zeena

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Re: New here on Sovadi+interferon+ribavirin
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2014, 09:16:09 pm »
    i just finished sov and riba 1000 mg a day, 24 weeks. i was so angry, afraid, anxiety ridden,and lay at night tense unable to sleep for hours, now , 24 hours after my last tab, i feel normal, anxiety  levels plummetted. i slept like a baby last night and look forward to tonights slumber of uninterrupted peace. all without xtra meds.riba affected my mind in a way i have trouble explaining. i felt like 2 persons in one head. one, reactive paranoid , hysterical only seeing the worst of every situation, and one quiet observer. well, the quiet observer has her voice back, and she is now alone in this hep c free brain. i told my boss in  5 weeks i find out if i am ok or not, if i am, i bring donuts for everyone in my dept.i didnt tell him o.k. from what, but, i look forward to dropping some cash at a fancy smancy donut store around christmas!! it gets better guys!!

Offline gulee

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Re: New here on Sovadi+interferon+ribavirin
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2014, 12:38:54 am »
zeena, thanks for sharing your experience and congratulations for completing your 24 wks treatment!

I am experiencing similar side effects, my first few weeks were not too bad, only some fever, cold, etc. physical symptoms, not difficult to cope. After ten weeks I can really feel the drugs' strong impact on my sleep, mood, and emotional stability... I have two more weeks to go, keep my fingers crossed that everything will be okay!

...i was so angry, afraid, anxiety ridden,and lay at night tense unable to sleep for hours...riba affected my mind in a way i have trouble explaining. i felt like 2 persons in one head. one, reactive paranoid , hysterical only seeing the worst of every situation...

Offline zeena

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Re: New here on Sovadi+interferon+ribavirin
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2014, 02:55:42 pm »
 i feel its like pregnancy. the more side effects, the more you know its working.you are going to love your fresh new thoughts after treatment!! good luck to you!! it gets better!!i   I have to say, even now post meds when I exercise I figure problems out and think better.

Offline gulee

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Re: New here on Sovadi+interferon+ribavirin
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2014, 04:19:53 pm »
Thank you so much, zeena, for your encouragement! I can't wait to complete my last 2 wks treatment! I went to visit my doctor today, and he prescribed me sleeping pills to help my sleep for the next 2 wks... Hope you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving holiday!!!

i feel its like pregnancy. the more side effects, the more you know its working.you are going to love your fresh new thoughts after treatment!! good luck to you!! it gets better!!i   I have to say, even now post meds when I exercise I figure problems out and think better.


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