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Author Topic: can these new meds heal or cure cirohissis? can a global moderater answer please  (Read 7930 times)

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Offline zeena

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by the newness of all this i hear so many conflicting reports. can i have cirrohsis and test negative on blood work  for fibrosis?can sov and riba heal cirohsis, can you feel cirrohis when palpitating the liver?my doc said he could feel fibrosis, as knots. finally off the meds and my brain is bouncing back quickly.i am challenging my forgetfullness, an act which was impossible for me on the meds.i am not on any anti depressant and only took a little zanax during the meds  worst nights. i sleep so much better now! even with worries about work, which under these meds turned me  raving.as a genotype 3 i now know my only option to clear this disease is behind me, and am self medicating with artichokes and coffee!!(not in that order) i wish i had more info about the dubious cure rate for my geno. my doc basiclly said take the meds everyday, dont skip one, and in 24 weeks you will be cured. i now know that is not true. thank you to all of you who have helped educate me on this journeyto all of you struggling through your meds now,it gets better !! promise!!! after my 4 week tests, if i am negative i will hold onto that as reality until 90 more days pop up and my new test determines that number.at the moment i am most thankful to have  the mind i know back. as imperfect as i am,  this feels good!!

Offline Rubye

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I don't know if Harvoni works for GT 3. They market it as made for GT 1's. But, maybe you're not taking Harvoni.  Regardless, none of the drugs cures cirrhosis but their odds of curing Hepatitis C or very powerful. Which treatment are you starting?

The only way to be sure of Cirrhosis is with a FibroSure (blood test) or biopsy. If you are able to get rid of the Hep C then your liver has a fighting chance to heal itself. I don't really think a doctor can tell for sure with merely feeling our livers if we have cirrhosis.

There's a lot of new fantastic research going on around cirrhosis. Someone just posted earlier today an article about how there are already clinical trials going on with stem cells and cirrhosis. The future is very promising for those of us with cirrhosis.

I'm presently on Sovaldi and Olysio and just became undetected with no viral load at all at week 8. I also have cirrhosis and so am hoping once I am cured, if I should be so fortunate, there will be help for cirrhosis within the next year or two. But if not so soon, there is a lot of evidence that the compensated liver can begin to heal itself once the Hep C is gone. So, good luck to you and I hope for the very best for you as you go through treatment.

Offline zeena

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       Great news about our livers healing themselves.I have looked up the fibrosure blood tests results and read that  it is not a good indicater of severe fibrosis or cirossis. the fibroscan is suppose to be much better, and then of course an mri or cat scan.i think i am going off this  forum for a while, i need to just stop thinking about it.now that i dont take any meds,as soon as i get my results or have any strange  efffects occur I will post, just now, i am kind of stewing .good luck to everyone !( i know i will be on soon) i love reading everyones stories.   p,s, you have a cool name Rubye

Offline lporterrn

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  • LucindaPorterRN
    • LucindaPorterRN
Zeena - you asked:
Can i have cirrhosis and test negative on blood work  for fibrosis?  - Unlikely, but yes, it can happen
Can sov and riba heal cirrhosis – Usually not, but if the cirrhosis is very early, it sometimes heals
Can you feel cirrhosis when palpitating the liver? – Yes, usually
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline zeena

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truly Lucinda,
           that was the best  news ever!! thank you!!!you just gave me the power to clean my house.(after a short nap). have a well deserved thanksgiving
                                                                                          love, zeena

Offline badbradley

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Glad for you Zeena. Happy Thanksgiving
Geno 1a
Sov/Oly 12wks - relapse
Har/Riba 12wks
Alt-16  Ast-17 SVR - 12
Alt-15  Ast-14 SVR - 24


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