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Author Topic: Day 17 on harvoni  (Read 10037 times)

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Offline PaulG

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Day 17 on harvoni
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:11:10 pm »
Hello to all
My first post and have to say I'll be glad to get this hep c monkey off my back. Have had it for many years but never had it treated. Saw to many friends take other treatments and feel like crap and never get rid of it. So far this has been a easy treatment. Couple headaches on days 6 to 8 and my blood pressure shot up for a few days and has now almost returned to normal. Maybe spending the winter in the SW has something to do with it. ;) Going home for Christmas and will have my blood work done there before returning. Will report what doctor tells me on the 18Th, until then hoping everyone has a easy treatment and successful ending.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 04:39:35 pm by PaulG »

Offline lporterrn

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Re: Day 17 on harvoni
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2014, 12:06:48 am »
Wow, wow, wow - sure is refreshing to see how different treatment is! Good luck to you.
Lucinda Porter, RN
1988 Contracted HCV
1997 Interferon nonresponder
2003 PEG + ribavirin responder-relapser
2013 Cured (Harvoni + ribavirin clinical trial)

Offline ma snart

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Re: Day 17 on harvoni
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2014, 10:33:07 am »
Hey Paul,
We are new here in the last few weeks also, my wife Helen is on day 11 of 24 week Harvoni, and other than a few days of itching and pain, now mostly has only nausea problems, she had done the interferon about 7 yrs ago and it damn near killed her, so we waited for this treatment and it is a piece of cake compared to others. How long is your treatment?
We had blood work done Sunday, and even though doc only wanted cbc, lab performed all of his standing orders, looking forward to seeing some movement down from 8.5 million from before treatment started, will keep all informed.
Helen 54 yr old female
Geno 1B since 84 from transfusion
started Harvoni on 11-22-14 with 8.5 million viral
After 8 days 933 viral and normal AST and ALT
Week 10 viral load  UNDETECTED
Week 17    detected 19
Week 18    detected 21
Week 20    UNDETECTED   Doctor did prescribe Ribavirin, but have not taken it yet as we are thinking that weeks 17,18 had to have been mishandled.
All other test have shown normal levels.
Week 21 results  on Tuesday 4-21
Week 4 post Harvoni 24 week plan UNDETECTED!!

Offline PaulG

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Re: Day 17 on harvoni
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2014, 10:58:03 am »
Good to hear your wife's doing good on harvoni . I have been approved for 12 weeks and then they will reevaluate. Make sure they have sent out the next two weeks of pills. They do make mistakes. I didn't start my treatment the day I got the pills and glad I didn't, my pills never showed for the next two week supply and would have been out.Like everything in life, it's up to you to make sure. I'm sure this doesn't happen often but make sure and stay on top of it. Hoping your wife's treatment is easy and successful.

Offline JillLynn

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Re: Day 17 on harvoni
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2014, 11:11:08 am »
ma snart.......so far your wife Helen and I are the only ones I've seen on Harvoni with nausea.   Mine still comes and goes and I just started week 7.   Yesterday I took 4mg of zofran and it did the trick.   

Thank you Paul for the tip about calling refills in early.  Didn't even think of that. Just called in my 3rd and last bottle of Harvoni.   
« Last Edit: December 02, 2014, 11:19:24 am by JillLynn »

Offline ma snart

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Re: Day 17 on harvoni
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2014, 06:38:58 pm »
Jill, we also have the Zofran, it does help. thanks

All, update on my wife's Harvoni treatment so far, this is day 12 and as you remember we had blood work on last Sunday after 8 days, we were only supposed to have cbc but lab did the 4 week test as well, just got the results and about fell on the floor, from 8.5 million viral load down to 933   that's not even a thousand.
also ALT is now 30 AST is at 37, these are almost normal readings.....
If there ever was a miracle drug, this is it folks,  we would have been happy to see the viral load just cut in half in 8 days, but 933 was totally unexpected but very welcomed.
Side effects are letting up, she is now taking meds at 6 pm and this has relieved daily nausea although she has experienced some tiredness during the day now.
I will keep updating.
Helen 54 yr old female
Geno 1B since 84 from transfusion
started Harvoni on 11-22-14 with 8.5 million viral
After 8 days 933 viral and normal AST and ALT
Week 10 viral load  UNDETECTED
Week 17    detected 19
Week 18    detected 21
Week 20    UNDETECTED   Doctor did prescribe Ribavirin, but have not taken it yet as we are thinking that weeks 17,18 had to have been mishandled.
All other test have shown normal levels.
Week 21 results  on Tuesday 4-21
Week 4 post Harvoni 24 week plan UNDETECTED!!

Offline scorpio

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Re: Day 17 on harvoni
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2014, 08:26:54 pm »
Congrats to your wife and to you also ma snart.. That is a huge decrease in so little time.. Like your wife, my vl is high around 10 mil.. and to hear this news just made my first day on harvoni that much better!!! So thank you for sharing

Offline ma snart

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Re: Day 17 on harvoni
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2014, 09:38:33 am »
Scorpio, good luck on your journey, we are only a few days ahead, but seeing these quick results is definitely a shot in the arm for us, we also just got the cbc results and almost everything is now in normal range other than platelets and they have increased 10% in just those 8 days....hemoglobin had also increased 10% and is now in the normal range. Now looking forward to the 4 week viral load and really expecting UD now after seeing this much progress.
Helen 54 yr old female
Geno 1B since 84 from transfusion
started Harvoni on 11-22-14 with 8.5 million viral
After 8 days 933 viral and normal AST and ALT
Week 10 viral load  UNDETECTED
Week 17    detected 19
Week 18    detected 21
Week 20    UNDETECTED   Doctor did prescribe Ribavirin, but have not taken it yet as we are thinking that weeks 17,18 had to have been mishandled.
All other test have shown normal levels.
Week 21 results  on Tuesday 4-21
Week 4 post Harvoni 24 week plan UNDETECTED!!


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