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Author Topic: New to Forum  (Read 11899 times)

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Offline jayme1017

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New to Forum
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:03:03 pm »
Hello All! I have been reading the Forum for the last week and wanted to say hello and report that I have been on Harvoni for 10 days with very manageable side effects..just a little tired towards the end of the day especially..headache that comes and gos..mild to moderate..have not taken anything for it and a some aches but nothing big.. and a little nauseous occasionally..again, very manageable.

My story is that I was diagnosed in the late 90s..forget the year exactly. The doc said, hold on and wait for better treatment. So, I did! Until now. I have been in COMPLETE denial about it for years. I didn't really have any symptoms although my liver profiles have been elevated since I was diagnosed. Of course it has been a black cloud over my head for years and I have lived with this fatalistic sort of attitude haunting me. Well..finally I went back to my GI after a couple years and I had gone from a F0 to F2 and that got my attention along with the fact that I am approaching 50 and becoming a bit more serious about taking care of myself. I NEVER looked at hep C info over the years because I couldn't handle it emotionally..silly, really. Well after reading this Forum I feel blessed that my disease hasn't progressed into chirrosis..as far as I know and I might get lucky and clear this bullshit.."the Dragon", as I have heard it referred to here. I left the doctors office that day they told me about this treatment and sobbed in my car for the longest time!!

Sorry this is so long..I wanted to ask if anyone on Harvoni has noticed that there are oil marks on the inside cap of the prescription bottle? I am probably being paranoid but I feel I am dealing with gold or diamonds in that bottle and wanted to check in with others that that is normal.

thank you to this Forum! I have learned so much..I am the first person my doc has on this treatment and they weren't able to tell me much in terms of sides, etc
Started Harvoni 12/8/14; approved for 8 weeks; Diagnosed late 90s; Type 1a, ALT 112, AST 80; Fib .48, F2;
VL 1,200,000

Offline BattleTheBeast

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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2014, 01:13:17 pm »
Hello All! I have been reading the Forum for the last week and wanted to say hello and report that I have been on Harvoni for 10 days with very manageable side effects..just a little tired towards the end of the day especially..headache that comes and gos..mild to moderate..have not taken anything for it and a some aches but nothing big.. and a little nauseous occasionally..again, very manageable.

My story is that I was diagnosed in the late 90s..forget the year exactly. The doc said, hold on and wait for better treatment. So, I did! Until now. I have been in COMPLETE denial about it for years. I didn't really have any symptoms although my liver profiles have been elevated since I was diagnosed. Of course it has been a black cloud over my head for years and I have lived with this fatalistic sort of attitude haunting me. Well..finally I went back to my GI after a couple years and I had gone from a F0 to F2 and that got my attention along with the fact that I am approaching 50 and becoming a bit more serious about taking care of myself. I NEVER looked at hep C info over the years because I couldn't handle it emotionally..silly, really. Well after reading this Forum I feel blessed that my disease hasn't progressed into chirrosis..as far as I know and I might get lucky and clear this bullshit.."the Dragon", as I have heard it referred to here. I left the doctors office that day they told me about this treatment and sobbed in my car for the longest time!!

Sorry this is so long..I wanted to ask if anyone on Harvoni has noticed that there are oil marks on the inside cap of the prescription bottle? I am probably being paranoid but I feel I am dealing with gold or diamonds in that bottle and wanted to check in with others that that is normal.

thank you to this Forum! I have learned so much..I am the first person my doc has on this treatment and they weren't able to tell me much in terms of sides, etc

Hi there and welcome.

Yes, my bottle has those marks in the cap, never noticed or looked until you mentioned it.

Hep C, Type 1, 10/11  viral load 8,238,340, AST-60, ALT-57 Bili .6  Stage 4 cirrhosis,
Week 4 VL <15 AST 20 - ALT 27 Bili .9
Week 9 - switched to Harvoni VL UD!! AST 20 ALT 19

EOT date is 4/30/2015,
SVR 12 is 7/23/15 ACHIEVED!!! 

Offline jayme1017

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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2014, 01:17:39 pm »
thank you Mel!
Started Harvoni 12/8/14; approved for 8 weeks; Diagnosed late 90s; Type 1a, ALT 112, AST 80; Fib .48, F2;
VL 1,200,000

Offline rainbowray

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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2014, 01:47:24 pm »
Your doctor is a charm to not push any old treatments on you. This treatment should
cure you with no issues, since cirrhosis is not in the mix.

Offline Doluska

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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2014, 07:44:03 pm »
Hi Jaime!  Is it your dog? Asking because I have dachshund too. Love them! The best dogs in a world! Good luck with the treatment! 

Offline jayme1017

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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2014, 08:16:30 pm »
Doluska, I DO have a dachshund :) He's the best..makes me smile
Started Harvoni 12/8/14; approved for 8 weeks; Diagnosed late 90s; Type 1a, ALT 112, AST 80; Fib .48, F2;
VL 1,200,000

Offline Doluska

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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2014, 08:46:33 pm »
They have a grate sence of humor and help to survive in all this jazz! Mine is a girl, Java, and she is wirehiared European chick!  My first was a standard, and was just the best of the kind! It is such a fun not to talk about damn monstrousness virus!good night and happy holidays!

Offline JillLynn

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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2014, 10:21:21 pm »
Welcome Jayme.

My 2 yorkies, maltese and chihuahua wish you success on your first attempt at kicking Hep C's butt!

Now I have to go look at the cap.   I never even thought to do that but I'm glad you did.  We learn from each other here....better to be safe than sorry.

give your pooch a hug from us.   You too Doluska! 


Offline HHburme

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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2014, 12:38:17 am »
Hi Jayme !  5th day of harvoni for me and have 2 dachsunds. Also was stored in the HCV warehouse for 15 years waiting for a better treatment. So exciting that the time has finally come for a cure. I'm with ya.....
infected age 19, blood transfusion 1977, detected 2003  GT 1a, Harvoni relapse 06/15, Clinical Trial Study for SOF/VEL GS-9857 start 02/16. SVR12 Cured 08/16

Offline gea

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Re: New to Forum
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2014, 10:54:11 am »
Just looked in my bottles.... had the original from the first four weeks and my new one that I am currently using.   BOTH have those "oil marks" in their lids.... weird, but I am sure it's OK.....
Diagnosed 06-2013
Started Harvoni for 12 wks 11-17-14
AST 26  ALT 34


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