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Author Topic: States erect many hurdles in approving Sovaldi  (Read 8819 times)

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Offline Mike

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States erect many hurdles in approving Sovaldi
« on: January 06, 2015, 07:22:51 pm »
This article highlights managed care and HCV treatment approval:


Best wishes, Mike
Genotype 1a
Treated 2001 with PEG and RIBV
Treated in 2014 SOL+PEG+RIBV
Cured July 2014

Offline yag1064

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Re: States erect many hurdles in approving Sovaldi
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 11:07:59 am »
The issue is all about money and how it leads to decisions being made that effect the ones who really need the cure. I couldn't believe that each pill I took was worth $1000.00. Not including Ribavirn and interferion The drug maker spent some of it's money, time, and resources to bring this pill into existence. Their point of view is "returns for the investors". The thing that seems to have changed is the method used to spread out the cost. It's my opinion that Gilead wants the return upfront. This has opened the discussions like the one that you pointed to. Health care in general is changing. I was turned down twice before I received approval for the treatment. As the article stated, the section of the population most effected by this disease is the elderly and those with low income. So they may believe that some type of hurtle is just. That is just the way it is. However, the Gilead group offers a way for people to get the medicine at low or no cost. So avenues are there, maybe not so obvious.   My point is that I am disappointed in the way things are being driven. I believe it is part of our cultural rule on who gets what and there is no short time solution. Having said that, I believe there is still a way for people to get the medicine they need. 
Tested positive 2007
Non respond-er to treatment 16wk of 48wk
Started I/R/Sol May 2014
Hep C returned as of Jan 2015
Started Harvoni Sep 16, 2015
1st Test V/L:20
2nd Test V/L: undetectable
Dec 2015 EOT V/L undetectable
12 wk SVR :undetectable  Mar 25,2016
24 wk SVR: undetectable  Jun 24,2016
52 wk SVR undetectable   Dec 16,2016   -- I,m past it!!!

Offline Red Hen

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Re: States erect many hurdles in approving Sovaldi
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 05:35:18 pm »
An interesting article. Things are changing every day for insurance, medicare, medicaid, what gets covered and what doesn't. Drug companies say they need to be compensated for research. Of course, they do get money from the government and universities, etc. as well as money from consumers. I hope more and more hep c drugs are approved so that competition might bring prices down. I do think that the drug companies have various ways for poor people ( and we are all too poor to pay $1,000 per pill ) to get medication. However, it isn't always easy or simple to do.
genotype 1a
completed 12 weeks Viekira pak and ribavirin
final results due around the end of April
Undetected 12 weeks post treatment!


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