Hepatitis C Main Forums > On Hepatitis C Treatment



Hep Forum Moderators:
Welcome to the Hep Forums.

Here in the On Hepatitis C Treatment Forum, you will be able to share information around side effects and tips learned for sticking to your treatment regimen.

Please take time before posting your question(s) and read the What are the side effects of hepatitis C treatment? Lesson and the How can I manage the side effects of hepatitis C treatment? Lesson. You'll find some basic information about each approved hepatitis C treatment which may be useful to you. If you still have questions, by all means let us hear from you.

If you are having physical symptoms you are concerned about, you should discuss them with your health care provider. Neither the staff of HepMag.com, nor the helpful members of the Forums, can diagnose your physical symptoms over the Internet.

Solicitation of forum members and/or offering products for sale is strictly prohibited

Posting Guidelines

[x] Please do not start a new thread every time you have another question or thought - regardless if you think your questions are related to each other or not. It helps us to help you when you keep all your thoughts or questions in one thread and it helps other readers to follow the discussion. Additional threads will be merged.
[x] If you cannot find your thread, click on the "Show own posts" link in the left-hand column of any forum page, under your name.
[x] Please do not post questions that you have about your own concerns in another person's thread. It is fine to share insight about a mutual concern, but if you have a specific question, it is best to start a new thread, rather than piggyback on to someone else’s thread.
[x] When you created an account with the Hep Forums, you agreed to have only one account. Starting multiple accounts is against the rules of the Forum and will cause you to be banned from our forums.
[x] Do NOT use Private Messages to question other members about any side effects or treatment tips. These issues must be discussed in the public forum. Misuse of the PM function in this manner will result in your PM privileges being removed without warning. 
[x] Please be courteous to other posters. We will not tolerate the use of abusive language under any circumstances.
[x] Anyone who violates the terms of use will be subject to a four week temporary suspension of forum privileges. If the behavior continues after one four week period, you may be given a second suspension which will last eight weeks. If the problems continue the suspension will become permanent. The purpose of a temporary suspension is to encourage you to seek the face-to-face help we cannot provide on this forum.
[x] If you have a problem with another poster, including abusive or unwarranted messages received via the private message (PM) function, please use the Report to moderator button. That is what it's there for!
Adhering to these posting guidelines ensures the smooth running of this forum. Thank you for your cooperation.

We wish you the best of luck in beating your hepatitis C dragon.
The Hep Forum Moderators Team


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