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Author Topic: ache/tender on right hand side after treatment (vir/exp/ribo/12 weeks)  (Read 7322 times)

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Offline Irishgirl

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Hi, I was just wondering if this happened to anyone else? Got my 12 weeks post bloods and I'm "cured", they said no need for another fiber scan as my one prior to treatment was 6.2, which they said wasnt even that bad (I am no idea what those readings mean to be honest) its kinda like I've bruised it and its healing if that makes sense and when I move over a certain way I can feel it more... am I imagining this? Or has this happened to anyone else.
Diagnosed in 2004, Cured in 2017

Offline andrew j

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Re: ache/tender on right hand side after treatment (vir/exp/ribo/12 weeks)
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2017, 10:14:42 pm »
Hi Irishgirl,

Congrats on being cured!!
... Yay!!

I used to get those ... pains? in my liver area ... and sometimes - a sort of dull ache, or tenderness?
Is that what you mean?

Like you, I used to worry about it - and like you - I used to tell myself that it was just my liver healing itself.

That seems to have been the case for me.

I am a little over a year post-Tx - and your post has made me realise that those pains / tendernesses etc. have gone - and have actually been gone for a while now.
... So hopefully, it'll just be a matter of time for you, too!

(Your [relatively low] Fibroscan reading indicates that your liver sustained only fairly minimal damage from scarring, caused by the virus.
This scarring should [also] get better with time ...).

Maybe you could talk to your Dr if you still have concerns?

P.S. Do you drink plenty of water?
« Last Edit: October 10, 2017, 12:40:34 am by andrew j »

Offline DeathtoHep

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Re: ache/tender on right hand side after treatment (vir/exp/ribo/12 weeks)
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2017, 05:32:08 am »
I used to get those pains and still have tension or something occasionally. Maybe it's psychological?

Your fibrosis score measures the stiffness of your liver to determine how much damage has been done. If your score was a 6 there is barely signs of fibrosis.

I went from 7.5 right before treatment to 5.3 two years later.

Your score will go down and you will heal back to normal health.

My doctor even said I could have a few drinks per day which I never thought I would be able to do again.
2005 Interferon nonresponder
2015 Approved for Viekira Pak
Pre TX:    8/3/15   AST 36 ALT 64
WK 3 lab: 8/25/15 AST 21 ALT 35
WK 7 lab: 9/25/15 AST 17 ALT 18
EOT   lab:11/1/15  AST 17 ALT 14 Undetected
12WK post treatment: lab 2/10/16 AST 25 ALT 24 Undetected

Offline andrew j

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Re: ache/tender on right hand side after treatment (vir/exp/ribo/12 weeks)
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2017, 05:13:06 pm »
What's normally quoted here is the Metavir scale.
Scores are ranked F0 to F4.
F0 = no significant fibrosis (scarring of the liver); F1 = minor scarring; F2 is moderate; F3 is significant scarring, and F4 is cirrhosis.

Your score (Irishgirl), equates to F1.

My most recent scan (in 2013, before being treated in 2016) was 7.7 kPa = F2.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 09:39:02 pm by andrew j »


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