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Author Topic: My journey on Sovaldi & Olysio 2/5 - TBD  (Read 6094 times)

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Offline Vintag54

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My journey on Sovaldi & Olysio 2/5 - TBD
« on: February 20, 2015, 12:41:52 pm »
S/O Treatment Day 20.

Now that my head is a little clear from the S/O it's time for me to share a few things to a support group that I really appreciate.

I have lived with HEPC Genotype 1a for approximately 30+ years. I was diagnosed in the year 2000 from a routine blood test like many of us, what a BIG surprise it was. I truly do not know how I got hepc. Many are in denial but I truly do not know how I got it.

I'm 63 years old and only over the past three years I have felt a big difference in my health and not for the better. Before that I guess I just learned to live with my fatigue feeling and brain fog. To me these were the new normal that I just got used to, like many of us. I have bridging fibrosis stage F3 with a viral load of 6mil at the time.

In 2006 I tried pegalated interferon and rabavirin. I handled it OK and my numbers came crashing down but then the numbers bounced back up, so doc said lets discontinue and wait for new drugs. Jump to 2014 and My insurance company would not cover Harvoni or Olysio being off label at the time (not FDA approved yet). Now Olysio got approved it took additional time for United Healthcare to approve it. Discussions with doc, myself, and insurance company continued until FINALLY late January UHC approved my S/O.

Very excited and anxious all at the same time. So on February 5Th I started treatment. Experienced headaches, joint paint, photo sensitivity. I take meds at 10:30AM everyday and drink plenty of water. Water for newbies is the KEY! I think because I take my meds in the AM by night I am able to sleep. I am retired so that may help verses taking meds in morning and having to work, not sure.

I have had my first blood test Feb 13Th for a standard hepc panel (no viral load tested). The ALT and AST are all within normal range but proteins were a little out of range. Had my second lab panel done today Feb 20Th, 16-days on treatment. The next blood draw is March 6Th the BIG fourth-week and looking for UND please, please.

Today, overall I feel good. Still joint acky pain but less of it. Headaches are getting less;still have sensitivity to light. My mental awareness is much clearer. Today I plan on getting on the Elliptical machine and get back into exercising. It's all a balance, expectations, exercise, right food, water. If I due relapse for some reasons there are a number of drugs out there to take care of any virus mutations causing us to relapse.

With newer drugs and prayers to whatever higher power you believe in (mine happens to be Jesus) we stand a good chance of being reborn again. Reborn with clarity of thought and strength of our new body.

Well that my story and I'm sticker to it.

Wish everyone the very best of treatments results and never give up.

Bob  8)

Warm Thanks, Vintag54

HCV over 30 yrs.
64 yrs
Genotype 1a
Viral load in orbit.
3.5 mos of interferon/rabavirin
2/5/2015 on Sovaldi/Olysio


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